Summer Newsletter

Fr. Thomas Leitner, OSB.jpg

Dear Friends,

It is nice that St. Benedict Center is open again and can serve its purpose of being an oasis of peace, prayer, reflection and renewal for many. It is still quieter than it usually is when we are open. This gives us much time to attend to all that is needed for keeping everyone safe.

Among the upcoming programs, I would like point you especially once again to the retreat on July 10 – 12, which Wil Hernandez, Ph.D., a spiritual author, Benedictine Oblate and expert on Henri Nouwen’s writings from California, will direct on Zoom. You can attend the retreat either while staying at St. Benedict Center or from your own home.

Also, I would like to point out the one-day retreat on August 1 with our prior, Fr. Joel Macul, OSB, S.T.L. The topic is the message of the Prophet Amos which is so topical at a time when in this country we are reminded in a painful way of our original sin of racism and injustice. Amos can help us, Fr. Joel says, “to name where God wants his mercy to work justice.”      


For your inspiration and reflection about the human relationships in your life I would like to offer you another podcast by Fr. Mauritius Wilde, OSB, in which he speaks about Encountering Foreign Worlds with The Little Prince. Fr Mauritius was the prior at our monastery till 2016. – I am looking forward to seeing you again soon!

Fr. Thomas