Born: 1965
Professed: November 29, 1986
Hometown: Hildesheim, Germany
Monastery Work: Prior
I was born and raised in Hildesheim, Germany, and was baptized and confirmed in my home parish, St. Mauritius. When I was 19, the eternal haunter got me and I entered the Benedictine monastery in Muensterschwarzach. I studied theology and philosophy at Wuerzburg University. After my graduation I worked as teacher and educator in the Abbey’s boarding school for three years. I professed my final vows in 1990 with graduate studies following in Tuebingen. My doctorate was on the mystic Meister Eckhart. In 2002 I was ordained a priest. I worked in youth ministry for 16 years and also as vocation director. From 1999 until 2010 I was the director of the Abbey’s publishing house “Vier-Tuerme-Verlag”. After that I was called to serve as Prior at Christ the King Priory in Nebraska.
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