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Our Priestly Lives in the Present Milieu in which we Live and Minister (Archbishop Emeritus Elden Francis Curtiss)

This retreat for Catholic priests of all ages is based upon the book, In Sinu Jesu. It will address coping with scandal and mistrust, preparing for the persecution that is developing, building together a strong defense through our solidarity.

Furthermore, it will be about renewal of our priesthood through prayer and penance, rediscovering the sources of support and encouragement for our ministry and deepening our prayer lives, especially our awareness of the presence of Jesus in the  Eucharist, his love for us, and his desire for a deeper union with each of us. The reference book for the retreat is, In Sinu Jesu, When Heart Speaks to Heart, The Journal of a Priest at Prayer(Angelico Press). Copies will be available at the book store. The archbishop will begin each conference with his remarks and then he will invite dialogue with retreatants about the subject for those who care to comment —others can be silent and just listen.   

$400.00 Single

Tax for Priests from out of state is additional. Please call.

**If you would like to arrive earlier or depart later, or require special meal arrangements, please contact us. Cancellation Policy: The total cost includes a program fee, which is non-refundable, but which can be used for future retreats.

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The Most Rev. Elden Francis Curtiss was ordained a priest for the Diocese of Baker, Oregon, in 1958 and served as rector of Mount Angel Seminary, Oregon, before he was ordained Bishop of Helena, Montana, in 1976. From 1993 to 2009 he was the Archbishop of Omaha, Nebraska.