A silent Ignatian preached retreat for women.
Conclude your Lenten season in a most powerful way, traveling with Mary and the women of Scripture. Place yourself in vivid scenes as one of the daughters of Jerusalem whose sorrow has been transformed into joy. We are all on our own pilgrimage to Calvary and the new life beyond. May your personal tears be turned into dancing as we take time for silent listening, rest, and prayer together as sisters in Christ. There will be a series of talks, as well as an opportunity for Spiritual Direction, Mass and Confession. Silence begins Thursday after dinner. There will be Palm Sunday Mass with the Benedictine Monks, followed by a final conference, ‘a sharing of graces,’ and a delicious lunch where the joy of sharing continues before we depart, ready to welcome Holy Week and to receive Easter Joy.
$378.79 (Single)
$349.51 (Double)
(Includes program fee, guest room, meals, and taxes)
If no bedrooms are available, call the retreat center to be put on a waiting list.
**If you are exempt from Nebraska state taxes, would like to arrive earlier or depart later, or opt out of meals, please contact us. Cancellation Policy: The total cost includes a program fee, which is non-refundable, but which can be used for future retreats.
Sharon Doran, M.A.
Sharon Doran holds Master of Arts degrees in Educational Psychology, Pastoral Theology and Christian Spirituality. She is the foundress of Seeking Truth Catholic Bible Study and has taught Scripture for 24 years. Sharon is a certified spiritual director and retreat leader trained in the Ignatian tradition.