Saint Augustine asks the immortal question: "What do we love, if it be not beauty?" What, indeed? There are many paths to beauty and many different ways in which beauty intersects with human living. Arts ministry enables the church to encounter beauty through an extraordinary variety of creative ventures accomplished by individual artists, parishes, and organizations. It encompasses all the fine arts (music, dance, architecture, the visual arts, literature, poetry, and film) as well as the wider arena of human creativity. This experiential course will explore the notion of arts ministry, and help participants understand this model of ministry through talks and worship services involving each of the fine arts in conjunction with discussions of the different issues involved in arts ministry.
Thursday, 10:00 a.m. to Friday, 3:00 p.m.
$151.05 (Single)
$142.37 (Double)
(Includes program fee, guest room, meals and taxes)
If you would like to register two persons, please fill out the registration form for one person first, then click on “Register another Guest in this program” and provide the information for the other person.
If no bedrooms available, call retreat center to be put on a waiting list.
Please note: There is a discount rate for students! $116.05 (Single), $ 107.37 (Double).
Students, please register by calling St. Benedict Center at 404-352-8819.
**If you are exempt from Nebraska state taxes, would like to arrive earlier or depart later, or require special meal arrangements, please contact us. Cancellation Policy: The total cost includes a program fee, which is non-refundable, but which can be used for future retreats.
Michael Bauer, D.M.A. holds a doctorate in organ and choral conducting. He directs the doctoral church music program at the University of Kansas which features multiple courses in the area of the Judeo-Christian Tradition and the Arts. Along with colleagues in Northeast Kansas and Missouri, he founded Imago Dei, a Kansas City-based non-profit organization that works in the area of Christianity and the Arts. He has also founded and run three church arts ministries, and is the author of Arts Ministry: Nurturing the Creative Life of God’s People (Eerdman’s).