Parish secretaries are our parishes’ flagship ministry. They are the voice and face people encounter when they come to the parish office. Treat your secretary during this Administrative Assistants’ Week with a REALLY special gift, a day away with pampering, artful pausing, prayer, sharing, quiet time and delicious lunch!
(Includes program fee, meal and taxes)
**If you are exempt from Nebraska state taxes, would like to arrive earlier or depart later, or require special meal arrangements, please contact us. Cancellation Policy: The total cost includes a program fee, which is non-refundable, but which can be used for future retreats.
Margie M. Walker is a mother, grandmother, teacher, childbirth educator and spiritual director who has been facilitating prayer groups, retreats and accompanying fellow pilgrims around the country for over 30 years. [Please note the change of presenters due to unforeseen circumstances.]