St. Bernard of Clairvaux said, “Let us examine our paths; and in order to accomplish this in truth, let us invoke the Spirit of truth … because he leads us on the way by which we discover ourselves.”
We are guided to our personal gifts by the Spirit and receive affirmation from the Spirit as he makes our lives fruitful. Spend a day exploring the fruit of the Spirit in your life through journal writing and prayer. No writing experience necessary. You may wish to bring your Bible and journal.
Single $59.03
(Includes program fee, lunch and tax)
If no bedrooms are available, call the retreat center to be put on a waiting list.
**If you are exempt from Nebraska state taxes, would like to arrive earlier or depart later, or opt out of meals, please contact us. Cancellation Policy: The total cost includes a program fee, which is non-refundable, but which can be used for future retreats.
Mary Gales Askren
Mary Gales Askren is an award-winning journalist, published poet and author. As a retreat leader, she teaches techniques for incorporating writing into prayer while emphasizing that participants do not need to be writers to use these techniques.