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“The Arts and Spirituality (Michael Bauer, DMA, Father Keith Winton, Dorothy Tuma and Marie Rubis Bauer, DMA)

This retreat will engage us in the process of spiritual growth. Through the medium of the arts we will enhance our knowledge and our intuitive connection to God, experience God’s presence in liturgy, and seek new insights through artistic projects. This year, Dorothy Tuma is our artist-in-residence this year. She will lead us in the creation of a visual record of beauty, through our own photographs taken from the grounds and the spaces within the sacred walls of St. Benedict’s Retreat Center.

Thursday, 10:00 a.m. to Friday, 3:00 p.m.

$153.27 (single)
$145.68 (double)
(Includes program fee, room, meals and taxes)

If no bedrooms available, call retreat center to be put on a waiting list.

**If you are exempt from Nebraska state taxes, would like to arrive earlier or depart later, or require special meal arrangements, please contact us. Cancellation Policy: The total cost includes a program fee, which is non-refundable, but which can be used for future retreats.

Michael Bauer, DMA, directs the doctoral church music program at the University of Kansas which features courses in the area of the Judeo-Christian tradition and the arts. He is also the organist-choirmaster at St. Andrews Episcopal Church in Omaha. Bauer is the author of Arts Ministry: Nurturing the Creative Life of God’s People (Eerdman’s). 


Dorothy Tuma, a native Nebraskan, is noted for her black and white architectural photographs.  She graduated from Creighton University with a degree in theology.  She is a certified Youth/Young Adult Minister and Liturgist.  Her photos have appeared in numerous, local, national, and international publications, winning numerous awards for photography in gallery exhibits.


Father Keith Winton is the incoming rector of St. Andrews Episcopal Church in Omaha after serving as Assistant Rector at All Saints Episcopal Church in Omaha for the past three years. In recent years, he has designed engaging devotional classes involving the arts.


Marie Rubis Bauer is the liturgical musician for the retreat. She is the Archdiocesan Director of Music – Cathedral Organist at Saint Cecilia Cathedral in Omaha, Nebraska. She also teaches organ and harpsichord in a part-time appointment at the University of Nebraska, Omaha.