Greetings during this First Week of Lent!
Please know that we monks remember you in our prayers, especially at the celebration of daily Eucharist.
We certainly live in challenging times with the conflict between Russia and Ukraine going on and the many suffering people and refugees. Let us pray fervently that the Holy Spirit will guide world leaders as they seek a peaceful solution. There has been too much bloodshed already and destruction.
People of good will have responded to relief efforts. God bless all who care for their neighbors without even knowing them.
On a more positive site:
Fr. Urbanus, OSB of Holy Spirit Abbey in Mvimwa, Tanzania, reported of his pastoral ministry among the people of Kate parish. In the picture, you see Father visiting the sick and elderly on Ash Wednesday for the distribution of Ashes.
Catechists from the parish participated in a workshop given at Mvimwa and concluded the day with the visit to the Marian Shrine. Friends of the Mission House have reached out to Mvimwa Abbey many times and supported especially the pastoral ministries of the monks.
God bless our Lenten journey!
Br. Tobias, OSB
PS: Check out the current appeal on our website and if the Holy Spirit moves you, and your financial resources permit, help our brothers of St. Michael’s Priory in Kumily, Kerala. Thank you!