There is never a dull moment in the life of a monastic with the daily routine of prayer and work. Following the example of Jesus, the Good Shepherd, we aim be a welcoming community where people are treated with respect.
The Cycle of Life Continues!
Tree Planting
Spring has arrived! We hope and pray with farmers for favorable weather during the planting and growing season and for protection from damaging storms.
Last year, many needle trees on our property had to be removed due to a fungus. Just in time for Earth Day 2024, planting of new trees and shrubs resumed.
During Easter Week, the annual board meetings of our two Corporations, Benedictine Mission House and St. Benedict Center, took place. The financial review showed no discrepancies. The board members attested that funds are used as designated.
Celebrations and News!
Prior, Fr. Anastasius, OSB
On April 24, Prior Anastasius gave thanks to God for 25 years of priestly ministry. Before coming to Schuyler, he was active in youth ministry at the abbey in Germany. From 2006 to 2017 he served the community of Peramiho as their abbot. Last year in October, he assumed the job as mission procurator of Christ the King Priory in addition to his responsibilities as monastic superior.
Bro. Andrew
Br. Andrew, for many years manager of the bookstore at the retreat house, observed his 70th birthday. There is no retirement! He can be found in the mission office assisting with opening mail, taking care of the sacristy, helping our substitute cooks, comforting fellow cancer patients at the oncology clinic, checking in on friends and especially his family back home in the greater Boston area.
Bro. Samuel
With the arrival of Br. Samuel before Easter, we have now an expert who loves creating flower arrangements for house and chapel, but also a brother monk who loves running the bookstore and implementing new ideas.
I hope that you enjoy reading the potpourri of information from the mission office and monastery. Let us celebrate the cycle of life as joyous Easter people!
Thank you for your friendship and prayerful support! Greetings and best wishes!
Br. Tobias, OSB
Director of Development
April 2024