Prior's Message

Some people look at us monks with a certain sense of longing wishing they too could be monks or nuns themselves,  living in the silence and peace of a monastery at a serene place and in a beautiful community. Well, I think this is a good longing, because we all need peace in our lives and a supporting community. However, the real life in a monastery is not as romantic as we can assure you. We are all humans. As I entered the monastery 31 years ago, my mother was concerned that I would flee the world and talked with the Abbot. He smiled at her responding: Don’t worry; your son will experience the world…

Still, there are features in our Benedictine spirituality that help us on a day-to-day basis to stay in contact with the Lord. We monks are often asked about these tools, and we are happy to share them. Not only with our Oblate family, but with all guests who visit our monastery or attend a retreat at St. Benedict Center. In addition, I have just started a blog in which I share thoughts from the monastery that might enhance your spiritual life as well. The articles issued every three or four weeks are not long and easily digestible. So, if you want to have a look, go to It’s not as wild as the name would suggest, but maybe a bit. We all carry in us the archetype of a monk. This “monk in us” wants to live and be alive.

As we leave the Easter Season and enter the ordinary time of the Church year I wish you all God’s continued blessings and greet you on behalf of the monastic community,

Fr. Mauritius Wilde O.S.B.