Lenten Reflection
The monks of Christ the King Priory – Benedictine Mission House and St. Benedict Center in Schuyler, extend prayerful good wishes as we start our Lenten journey today.
Over the years, you certainly have heard many sermons on the values of prayer, fasting and alms giving that Jesus recommends to his disciples and followers. The words, of Jesus recorded in chapter 6 in the Gospel of Mathew, are familiar and yet a challenge for each Christian as we start the observance of Lent.
Benedictines have the custom of listening daily to a section of the Rule of St. Benedict. Chapter 49 is dedicated to the Observance of Lent. Even though I hear this chapter three times in the course of a year, and again on Ash Wednesday as part of a spiritual conference, one phrase strikes me in particular: …look forward to holy Easter with joy and spiritual longing.
I am standing here in front of the Passion Wall in our chapel, created by renowned artist Lore Friedrich-Gronau who for many years was artist in residence at our monastery in Germany.
The images of the Passion Wall reflect the last days of Jesus, especially this agony in the garden, the trial before Pilate, the way to Golgotha, the Crucifixion and finally the empty tomb with the angel declaring that He is risen.
I invite you to take time for reflection on the saving mysteries recorded in the Gospel accounts. During this time of pandemic not everyone can go to a church and walk the Stations of the Cross. The website pages of the monastery and retreat house have versions of our outdoor stations and reflections that may be helpful for your Lenten journey.
Most of all: whatever you do, do it in the spirit of charity and pray with us for peace in our world, and let us look forward with joy to holy Easter.
~Br. Tobias, OSB