Fryjo's Prayer

My lord, i had been jobless for more than 2 years and 9 months since engineering graduation. i tried many jobs and exams and failed.i lose my heart in finding a job.i have a technical exam on this week 9th dec at 7.30-9.15 am.i fear whether i fail in this exam too.this exam is my last hope to acquire a job.i am trying my best . i am so worried and nervous about results.i have to compete with a tough crowd of 15000 who have gone for coaching, who are experinced and who are too brighter than me.i feel like i can't make this choice for my job. it is like a david and goliath fight.many time in competitive exams the god's intervention will out perform the ability of the father will resign from job within 6 months . we are at the verge of collapse.exam is of 100 objective questions with 4 options.during analysing i will arrive at 2 options which are relatively matching.if i pick wrong one my future is gone for ever.the key published by them will be final.out of 100 thirty five questions will be unknown,tricky.the one who made it correct will get this job.i need net 70 marks to get this job.god grant me your wisdom to find the ultimate right answer.god send me your holy angels and holy spirit to guide me to right answers .god please answer me in my inner mind with your holy spirit.if don't i can't make this chance.i can't do anything without god..i can get this job only through god's intervention, blessing and miracle.i am waiting for god's action in my life.i am trusting in your capabilities.please intensively pray and rosary for me to achieve top position in exam and get appointed to this job.please remember my request in your daily mass.