Dearest Jesus, please heal my mother of her multiple myeloma and all cancer, her diabetes, ms, bladder infection, chemo so she doesn't need it anymore, God give her great joy and no depression, abundant life in Christ all her life all way to heaven, keep her innocent and pure and provided for and protected in your prosperity and blessing for her in your riches so she has all she needs, restore her strength from chemo and all things and keep her in Christlike shape in all things with the sound mind of the Holy Spirit all her life, God give her and all of us many good friends for life in your will forever in heaven too, Christ heal my cousin's husband too of his heart and all health problems, heal my sister Jo of her colon and circulation troubles in her legs, and give us all the best medical care in God's will, heal my sister Sherry of her health problems and upcoming historectomy surgery hopefully so she doesn't need surgery,heal our friend Lori's back, Christ please heal my back, hip, diabetes, all my health problems and all things so we work hard in our present jobs and the all future jobs you have for us, let them all be in the Lord, Jesus, and then give us all good retirements, let us work hard and do a good job in all our jobs all of us and give us these healings and good things of this prayer and our nations too, God keep us pure, holy,righteous, good, kind, hard-working all our lives in God's good works for great treasure in heaven, us obey Christ all our lives in all the Bible, and Christ give us the right mates all our lives in your choice and will thank you God in Christ's name and God protect us always from satan and all evil Christ, amen.