Could you keep my teenage Devyn Marie in your prayers? Her ankle was sprained in a soccer game on October 10. It has been healing but just 6 weeks later on November 20, her ankle twisted and now swollen again. Please pray for miraculously fast healing and protection from any further injury to the ankle or body. She is a competitive soccer player and plays all year long for a premier team and Olympic development team. Any time off for her could effect any future hopes of playing in college and beyond. She’s getting so very frustrated and so sad because she wants to share with the world her amazing God-given talent but her ankle it not letting her. Also, she is the most humble girl we know. She is one of her team’s top players yet she is so humble and never bragging in anyway- a trait we are so proud of. I’m praying so hard for no tears in her ankle, swelling to disappear, a full, fast and miraculous recovery and that she doesn’t re-injure herself - please pray for my little one named after the Divine Mary, Devyn Marie. She had to miss important soccer games for the last 6 weeks and now she has important tournament games this Saturday November 25 and Sunday November 26, December 3, and Dec 15-17. Any prayers for her to heal fast and have no re-injury so she can play these upcoming important games would be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much.
Prayers always for you and the community.