Dearest Jesus, send your Holy Spirit in Christ to my dear mother to encourage and build her up in faith in God so she is healed of her cancer and cancer free, and healed of her ms, diabetes, depression, and evil of satan, her other present illness, God my mother seek you always and everywhere for her joy and great blessing in all she needs in Christ's riches, God let mother delight in God continually in all of God's protection and provision for her in all the good things of the Bible in Christ, God when you come back take mom to heaven in Christ's salvation, God keep mom righteous in purity and the love of God and all his good virtues for her to have, God protect mom in her widowhood, let her love God with the greatest love and a Christlike fear of God, Christ protect mother from satan so she is always safe from satan and all evil, God do this for mom, my sister, me, all people and our families and take us to heaven in full assurance of heaven for us God, thank you in Christ's name, amen.