Dear Brothers, before our Mighty GOD, as you intercede for the world, please remember me in your prayers.
I am Brian from Singapore and I lift up a prayer intercession for the love, healing, and forgiveness of Christ to permeate my family relationships and family tree - that my family may heal and mend; That my mother - Rosalind and my sister - Venassa may renew their faith in conversion and draw closer to GOD; that my spiritual sons - Joshua and Jordan may grow to love GOD more each day; That these loved ones may one day find purpose and joy in their true calling for the Kingdom of Christ.
Due to my indiscretions, I have also chalked up a hefty financial debt which I owe to many and am calling to GOD for help. I pray for the aid of St. Joseph who being the foster father of Jesus was tasked to provide for the Holy Family on Earth; for the providence of GOD; for financial healing, prudence, wisdom, and stewardship that I may be able to pay off my monthly bills, the debts owed, and the remaining mortgage of the house; I pray for employment that will be flourishing and fulfilling along this journey of stewardship.
I commit and consecrate my past, present, and future, my relationships and friendships, all that I have and am, my weakness especially, to our LORD GOD. I pray also that I may know my charisms and gifts and find the best channels/ministries to exercise these charisms effectively; and that I may know with clarity my true calling and vocation; that I may have courage, strength, and humility to say yes to that calling.
In the holy name of Jesus, and with help of Mother Mary and all the Saints! In reparation for the Holy Souls in Purgatory!