Alfred's Prayer

Immaculate Heart of Mary-Pray for us
Immaculate Heart of Mary, Pray for Eric
Our Lady of Mount Carmel, pray for Eric

With all my heart, I ask for your prayers for Eric-Pray for God’s grace and mercy to be with him.
Pray for Eric…Pray for his conversion to true faith in Jesus Christ

"Heavenly Father, please bless and protect my friend Eric.Please open his eyes to see Jesus Christ.May he come to know Jesus, to love Jesus, and to have saving grace in and through Jesus Christ.I pray that Eric will have all the mercies and graces that he needs to experience the joy of salvation in the name of Jesus Christ...Amen
Scared Heart of Jesus, have mercy on Eric
Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for Eric
St Michael, the Archangel, bless, protect, and help Eric
Jesus, Mary I love you. Save Souls…”