Dearest Jesus, Christ let us all speak like angels and have the greatest love for God the most then all of us ice, God make us all like love ice in ice patience, kindness, not jealous, conceited or proud, not ill mannered, selfish, irritable, not keeping a record of wrongs, not happy with evil, but happy with the truth, eternal in Christ, God let all our words be inspired, prophetic, oracles of Christ, let us speak and pray in strange tongues, God give us your great knowledge ice and all this ice, including gifts of knowledge and wisdom, purity, holiness, morality, uprightness, righteousness, all our words be inspired messages in Christ, God give us the perfect love of God for God the most, then all esp. me in all this for my mother ice, God let us have no more use for childish ways ice, God give us ice complete knowledge of you ice more and more, God give us ice faith, hope and love in God ice the greatest in the love of God, so mom is healed of her multiple myeloma, cancer, rotator cuff, chemo, diabetes, all kidney infections all injuries and illnesses ice God thank you in Christ's name , amen and Christ let me die for my mother forever and whenever you wish in truth, let me love her with the greatest love always in the perfect love of God, in gentleness, lovingkindness, goodness, understanding, patience, purity, all the fruits and gifts of the Holy Spirit, in all the good things of the Bible in Christ in forgiveness, in thinking and believing in her in her purity and love and good things which is in the truth of Christ in dad too all this ice and all of each other all this in the perfect love of God according to the Bible in all the good things of the Bible loving each other, esp. me my mom, wife, children, grandchildren, sisters and vice versa, and all of us each other ice God thank you for all this in your greatest perfect love of God for all of us as Christ loved and loves us ice God in Christ's name, amen. ice means infinitely, continually,eternally God give all this to all of us in Christ's name with our mates of the Lord.