Bro. Alex's Prayer

By God's Mercy may all sinners be converted, none of the dying be lost, and many souls be released daily from purgatory, and may they, along with Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, all the Angels and Saints ceaselessly intercede for all of our needs and intentions, and may prayers be ceaselessly offered for all peoples, all intentions, and for everything.

2. That I, Brother Alexander Chung, MIC receive the Holy Spirit to the full and overflowing now and forever, be graced with the gifts of wisdom, fortitude, perseverance and final perseverance, patience, humility, prayer, counsel, healing prayer, prayerful counsel, faith, hope, trust, simplicity, clarity, conciseness, and charity, and be graced to always live in Jesus' Truth, Will and Love, and be graced to always be Jesus' little willing instrument and little faithful, suffering, obedient, and loving servant and through Jesus, Mary and Joseph be ever blessed to have Mother Mary help me to keep getting up when I fall so that I continue to always follow her Son, Jesus.