Jeanne's Prayer

Pray for Corrine & Gerad- parents of Ayden who are always fighting over visitation of their son. Pray for healing between the two, heal all that needs healing Oh Lord. Bring complete and final reconcilation to occur between Gerad and Corine & Gerad and Corrine's Dad, David as well. Show David the appropriate boundaries he should have with his 30 year old daughter and her problems, and that her Husband, Tyler would step up and take the place of Corrine's protector from her father, Dave. Pray for them ALL to be confronted with the truth,the errors of their own ways, the fear of the Lord. To each have a revelation about this situation and their part in it. To wake each one of them up and see that all they're doing and agreeing to do is to give their $ to attorneys- and that is solving their next disagreement/ Pray that they each would begin to turn around from refusing to be civil, refusing to forgive, refusing to reconcile their differences and negotiate. And For Corrine's to be set fearfrom all her fears about Gerad abusing her. God please help them ALL!