
Please pray for Maxine. May she have abundant gratuitous grace, preventing grace, and plenty actual graces from Mary, with the result of sanctifying grace safely in her soul so she may be called fortunate not unfortunate on the Day of The Lord. Living forever with God who is good and awesome. May the Lord say “I will have mercy on whom I will to have mercy.” and everyone shut their mouths.

And please pray for me that I may die in a state of grace. More specifically I ask you to help me attain from God immunity from the Devil’s pestiferousness. With patience I will to suffer all that pleases the Lord to visit me in this life, but I ask, in Mary’s name, that God will exempt me from suffering the manifestation of pride and envy in my soul. I want to be nothing like the foul spirit. I have reason to believe that the previous tenant of my apartment may have been a witch. Please pray for my protection. I’m fine with being assailed, but may they not be given more time to try to win me over to their side. May the powers of hell and their thralls preoccupy themselves with something else, knowing that I choose God.
God bless you.