Brother Alex Chung, MIC's Prayer

1. Through God’s Love and Mercy and Our Lady of Fatima, that Mary’s Immaculate Heart triumph now and that the Holy Spirit bring about a New Pentecost and fall upon the Church and world now, so that the Church and all peoples be graced with unfailing perseverance, fortitude, peace, joy, love, obedience to God’s Commands, purity, faith, trust, hope, and charity, so no darkness remains.

2. Through the Triune God and the Holy Family and by the power of Jesus’ Cross and Most Precious Blood, that all the Guardian Angels and all the other Holy Angels and Saints visit all the dying, all the souls in purgatory, and all peoples, to grace them with powerful graces, so all the souls in purgatory are brought out quicker and that no soul be lost.

3. Through the Love and Mercy of Jesus, may all Christians be graced to love and forgive as God the Father loves and forgives, so the Light of Christ shine in the world.

4. That I Brother Alex Chung, MIC would be like another St. Paul the Apostle and in the way God desires it.