Lawrence's Prayer

Dear Lord Jesus

I’m sorry that I am really struggling at the moment mainly to do with my current job

I am very grateful for the wealth of experience of had from this job for the past 14 years, but enough is enough, I can’t stand being in this job, it is time now for me leave this job on a very positive and satisfying note, amen

Lord Jesus
I pray that for the short time I’m in this job, this job will greatly dramatically miraculously improve in all ways, amen

It is the time now for me to be employed in a far better job in all ways, higher salary, shorter hours, Counselling job, better location, where I will be so very happy fulfilled satisfied and is secure, so thank you that this will happen far abundantly exceedingly better than we could ever imagine, amen

Lord Jesus I thank you for my beautiful wonderful wife Jill and our beautiful wonderful marriage, despite Jill’s many complex medical conditions

Lord Jesus, thank you that you are healing both Jill and I of all conditions ailments and we both will enjoy abundant health for decades to come, amen

Lord Jesus
I thank you that you will grant us all the desires needs miracles breakthroughs of our hearts far abundantly exceedingly abundantly better than we could ever imagine, amen

Lord Jesus
Please continue to richly bless our beautiful marriage that we continue to grow in you and you in us and please continue to richly bless all family members friends colleagues neighbours clients and every one who knows us and will know us, amen

Lord Jesus
I pray help my beautiful wife Jill and I Lawrence to be more like you in thought word and deed each day, let us both always have your spirit of power joy love sound mind, Amen