Stephen's Prayer

Dearest Jesus, please heal all our injuries and illnesses and let us not miss anymore work because of illness, and have pto for things we choose and give a good attendance record at work. Shower us with blessings at work so we have great strength, wisdom, love and all your good things there so we work hard, do a good job, and get done in good time early and enjoy it and have fun in it. Christ let us work swiftly and love our neighbor as ourselves at work, us having all we need there, with good breaks for a good rest every night. Give us good feelings and thought about our work in your truth, so we are not deceive by satan or anyone else about our jobs, and so Christ, we have no anxiety or worry about our jobs and we trust in Christ and have all his good promises at work. If we have been sick, let us get back to work quickly and enjoy it and always do well, us pleasing God in our work in obedience to Him and all his scriptures there. Get us better jobs, me as a transport tech or wherever it is your will we are to work with good salaries and benefits and give us better jobs soon with jobs we love and let us retire well with all we need when we can in God's will, and spend our lives then and now seeking and obeying Christ with good friends for life in and out of our families, good churches and fellowship for us all our lives for heaven and then let us live and die for you someday in your protection and prosperity and leaving blessings to our loved ones. Let us spend, save, invest, and give away all we should in your will for our families, the poor, all in God's will. Thank you God and let us love all these mentioned as ourselves and all people in the greatest love for God the most in great success in our jobs always, us providing for our families, the poor and ourselves and all in God's will, thank you God in Christ's name, amen.