John's Prayer

Thank you Blessed Lady of the Rosary for thy Miracle of the Sun which you brought forth on that holy day, October 13th. 1917.
Your grace lifted the "Veil" of this sorrowful world around us. For a brief moment "the Hologram" was shut off! Our eyes were opened to the world that lies hidden from what science would have us believe. Now we know why your beloved Son, Lord Jesus proclaimed we should not to be anxious for the things of this world, for they are illusions and fade like mist...That we should always seek God's Kingdom above all things. Renouncing anything that causes us to fall away from faithfulness in God... The teachings of men, the occult or UFO's or any other counterfeits of satan. You showed us that the world is not all there is, that even the laws of nature obey the will of God. That our destiny is far greater than anything we could imagine. Holy Mother of God, Implore thy beloved son, Jesus to come quickly.
As you request, we shall pray your Rosary...Believe and Honor God and pray for Peace… We hope and trust in thee to grind the head of the serpent, satan into the dust under thy heel for the sake of poor souls and for the glory of God the Father. Amen