R Dsouza's Prayer

Lord, thank you for all the blessings showered so far. I feel less mentally stressed and at peace now.However Ivan's and mine, constant and on off misunderstandings and no contacts and separations since 5 months now is definitely still bothering me. I really dont know what to do, i have stopped trying to clear all the misunderstandings & fights as it has only worked the situation I am in now.Even if I dont initiate the fight and avoid contacting him, i really dont understand what causes him to be mad at me and doesnt even like my presence. Kids & I we have now got used to living without him, if he is happy with Reshma I am ready to sacrifice and move on as I dont have any more patience and strength to handle this pain. Please help me Lord.I have only wished good for Ivan and would never think of harming or hurting him, I wish to see him happy.Please help me .. Thank you