Asking for truly infinite vast oceans of ever increas. more deep,intensive,thorough,all pervas.,perm. growth in: 1) Complete,perm. healing togeth. with God's wisdom,guid., direction,Divine help & assistance--for severe bulging & or herniated disks-lower back-intense pain
[Part 2] This very same growth in complete,radical, all pe-rvasive,ever deepening,perm. healing of: Serious damage to my knees -Cartlage piece broke off, b) serious stability issues - poor alignment and things need to be significant-ly tightened up a bit; Asking your community's help
[Part 3] Also calling upon all of my 3rd order brothers and sisters together with all of the Holy Souls in Purgatory and my holy friends and family members in Heaven to interce-de,guide,direct,help,assist with the absolute fullest realiz-ation of these and all of my many prayers for so many.