Lawrence's Prayer

Thank you for praying for us

I’m sorry for such a long prayer

I pray in the name of Jesus Christ

I pray you will remove all thoughts and feelings that are denying my beautiful wife Jill and I of your peace Joy and all the fruit of the Holy Spirit

I pray you will continue to protect and always rebuke all evil out of every dimension every aspect, every facet, every part of our beautiful marriage and our beautiful life

I pray you always cleanse and purify my beautiful wife Jill and I and our beautiful marriage of all sin and help us to rise above any hurt, anger, shame, guilt and help us to see all others through your eyes, your mind, your ears, your love, your wisdom, your humour, each day and every day with all people at all times
I pray you will always fill us richly anoint us with all the fruit of thy Holy Spirit, the beautiful spirit of Jesus and your own spirit Lord

Father,in the names of your son Jesus Christ thank you forgiving us for our sins
Father, I’m so sorry that the world has lost their focus on you, placing material, financial aspects before you

Father, I pray that 100,S of millions more people will lovingly realise you are our living God and to seek you first in all situations

Father, you have the power, so I pray you will do one of your miracles and quickly speedily completely permanently free this planet earth completely from the face of this Earth, or at least dramatically greatly immensely reduce the amount of your children getting infected
always treat me with respect highest regard all the time

I pray Charlie.M celebrates and sees I am a man of God, a man of integrity a man of honesty a man of kindness compassion wisdom because of you Father, Amen

Without conditions, I pray Charlie will admit to me I was not going against any orders from him, I pray he seeks for forgiveness

I pray Charlie will celebrate my Counselling, my passion for Bereavement grief loss issues and my wealth of experience

I pray Charlie will give me work that allows me to use my counselling gifts, counselling skills, my qualities my experience of bereavement, loss grief, that you blessed me with, to your glory Lord

I pray I will not ever be forced or bullied into doing anything I’m not happy with

I pray that very soon Father I will be in far better job in all ways and where I will be happy

Lord, you know my beautiful wife Jill has a lot of many complex medical conditions and I thank you that she functions as she does

But Lord I pray for speedy complete healing on all ailments, all conditions.all symptoms on my beautiful wife Jill and I for miracle healing in all ways

I pray for rich blessings on all our families’ friends and everyone who is a part out life

I pray for all the churches all over the world

I pray for our life to be even better than before this virus

I pray for our beautiful marriage to allways grow bloom blossom like the most beautiful pink carnation bush

I pray for our desires our hopes our needs to be granted by you Lord Father God, in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen