Healing for Brian from diabetes cyst on his kidney all ailments healing for Joseph antoinieta yeye myself all at home I pray the insurance company covers all Brian’s hospital bills and medicine expenses I pray Joseph antoinieta yeye will walk well soon for fulltime work for myself for a second job close by I pray my husband Carlos calls me immediately loves me comes back to me Anne forever I pray he gets out of the affair with Marcela forever and never goes back to her again I pray he realizes she put him in jail 3times and I Anne bailed him out I pray Carlos calls me immediately and tells the truth I pray Marcela leaves Carlos forever and never goes back to him again I pray social services puts Marcela’s son in foster care as she is not caring for him I pray Brian does well in his business pays bills on time I pray Desmond gets his house out of foreclosure soon does well in his business pays bills bills on time he sells the property I get my money back soon I pray I get my resident card soon without difficulty I pray Malcolm Michelle mabel myself have fulltime work pay bills on time for all needs of our family