Lawrence's Prayer

 sorry for the sins of both my Beautiful Wife Jill and I, guide us help to our ammend our thinking, our talkng, our behaviour ,so our thinking our talking, our behaviour is of you Father and Jesus and the Holy Spirit

Father in the name of your son Jesus Christ , quickly thorougly permanately heal us both and all aspcects of our Beautiful Marriage of that we seek need and desire to be healed from and quickly restore us so we thorougly enjoy much better health in mind flesh and soul, Amen

Father, I pray I cry to you,all the results of theses recent blood tests and other tests will be done with your accuracy and all the tests results are all normail healthy, that I do not need to see or talk to a Doctor, Nurse or and any medical person, ever

Father, I pray for our beautiful marriage to continue bloom, blossom, deepen, strenghthen as we both immensely enjoy a truly beautiful happy joyful romantic full filling, satifying passionate marriage for decades to come, Amen

I pray pray pray my currrent job at the C & S mental health team will greatly improve in all ways

I pray in my current job we would have a team leader who has all the qualties of your son Jesus, all the time, Amen

Father, after nearly 14 years in this job, I pray for favour, that you will richly bless me with a much better job before my 64th birthday, a job/vocation where I will be happy, not stressed, full filled,and the income is better then this current job, Amen

Father, I pray that you will grant us the deepest desires needs of our hearts far exceedingly betetr than we could ever hope for or imangine, Amen

I pray for all our family, friends, neighbours, colleagues ,clients and all the people who will be in our life one day, Amen

Father, Please do your miracles and banish this corona virus from the face of this earrh, quickly

Let it be now that our prayers our fullfiled, us Father out of the goonness of your love, answer us quickly, in the name of Jesus,Amen