John's Prayer

Hello again, I hope you are all keeping well? It has been a very tough month for my mother Martina, here in Derry, Northern Ireland. You will remember her brother John (my uncle) died from cancer on 2nd September in a hospice, and since then we have been sorting out his estate. All of this has led to my mother becoming stressed and her nervous anxiety disorder has increased. Added to that, her chronic irritable bowel syndrome has flared up to, partly down to the stress. Please pray for her, that she will be granted and experience immediate comfort and relief from her IBS symptoms and stress/anxiety. We are slowly approaching the end of sorting John's estate, but we just need some spiritual intervention now for it all to be concluded successfully and quickly, and my mother's IBS/anxiety can be relieved, relaxed and spiritual intervention given right now. Pray it will be so. Thank you for your prayers as always.