Please help Shirantha to commit to my daughter and their kids. Help him to stop listening to all the negative influences and the bad information from his Uncle Leonard, Vickie, Richard, Cathy Adams, Polina, Cindy, his mother Susila and the other Sri Lankans. For him to see clearly what is important in life and to make my daughter and the kids his top priority. For him to find a career path that is right for the whole family. For Shirantha to stop playing dictator and realize that their relationship is a partnership that requires him to communicate and give Alisha security through the bonding of marriage, faith, and commitment. For Shirantha to see the truth behind his mother's negative and manipulative behavior and intent, and for him to set firm boundaries for her so that she can no longer interfere in their relationship. For Shirantha to realize that his home is with Alisha and their children. For Shirantha to remember his love for Alisha and their children and to treat them like the gift that God has given him. Amen.