Pray for this sick nation; the United States which is ailing without God. God is love and love is forgiveness and this nation lacks the love, compassion and forgiveness of one another. Forgive and you will be forgiven. The direction of this nation is in a downward spiral...into godless socialism. This direction will not stop until we bring God back and stop man-made laws that allow the killing the unborn, which includes the elderly and children and individuals that don't meet the man-made standards of what a person should be. Bring God back into the family structure as God has designed; one man and one woman...two genders knitted in the womb by God. We are all going to meet our Maker and woe to those who hear the words "I never knew you; depart from me, you evildoers." This country has received many blessing from God and our actions and laws do not show any gratitude. Join in prayer to Our Lord God Almighty and repent of our sins. Pray for our leaders and lawmakers...Lord have mercy on us