Charles' Prayer

Asking for truly infinite vast oceans of ever increas. more deep,intensive,thorough,all pervasive,perm. growth in: 1) For Chuck: Complete healing of all of the damage,injuries
wear & tear sustained over/by yrs of intense spiritual oppression together with this same healing of/from This very same healing of / from all of the var-ious reasons,issues,conditions contributing to and or giv-ing rise to [in the past,present & the future] such spiritual oppression in the way of my: thoughts,imaginings,fantas-ies,words,attitudes,predispositions etc etc thru out life. For Carol: This very same growth in complete & permanent healing of all of the root,seet & any & all contributory causes of her very,very serious lingering cold affecting her lungs, shortness of breath, muscle aches & pains etc-she is prone to bronchitis & pneumonia For Carol continued: because she has had pneumonia when she was a teen and she was also a premie when born. 3) For some very special people in my life: Michele, & Rick-two wonderful foundational rocks for our st. vincent depaul shelter, for Theresa-a beautiful

continued...) young Jewish girl who truly lights up my volunteer hours, for Trish-a wonderful client who brings joy to everyone she meets,radiant sunshine, to Daniel and Akim -two wonderful newfound friends - and all of the other wonderful clients who have blessed me so and have brought so much joy and meaning into my life together with Tina,Tiffany & her kids, Hailey & her beautiful family-asking for Divine unsurmountable walls with barbed wire on top of them, divine impassable hedges to surround each of them keeping every,any & all harmful influences [in the way of friends, even family members & extended fam. members,associates etc] far, far away from them if they could draw,drive,or influence them towards: near occasions of sin, harmful & or illicit drugs, anything more than light alcoholic consumptions, sensual sins, greed, excessive attachments to inordinate matters potentially harmful to their souls and/or spiritual journeys, vulgarity etc.; also lifting up all of their various & respective needs also that the divine insur-mountable walls & divine impassable hedges of protec-tion provide absolute protection and fool proof defenses from any & all harm[physical,emotional,psychol.,spiritual
] ; I also ask for financial[security & strength & stability] Finally I am pleading for all of these wonderful people: For truly infinite vast oceans of this very same growth in: Emotional,psychol, spiritual, ph-ysiological,biolgocial healing & vibrant great health thru their entire lives; For Chuck-Divine wisdom,guidance, direction, ever increasing sharpnes,clarity & depth of understanding as to what I can do to help the homeless and homelessness and draw,drive me to offer my life to helping them in an ever increasing selfless, self-donating manner. Finally please pour out Divine infinite vast oceans of blessings, favors, wisdom, guid-ance,direction, 24 / 7 for Theresa,Trish,Daniel,Rick Mich-ele,Tina,Tiffany,Hailey & her beautiful family. Fully & for-ever empower me to radiate God's love to/towards them