Please pray for our blessings peace and joy let the cases fixed on Inacio and Jennifer Noronha and others be cleared let Inacio Noronha job be restored back let Dylan Rifa Rita Henry Sarita Jennifer Inacio roy Camilo be blessed protected saved excellent let Sarita Fernandes sickness be cleared.let let Inacio Noronha news reporting job be excellent and religious functions on 5th August of Snows church be excellent where committee members, parish priest vincy Quadros welcome each and every reporter with gods live let all satanic attack's cults on us be washed away by Lord Jesus blood.let Dylan be blessed protected saved excellent let Inacio Noronha stomach ailments diabetics be healed let Inacio Noronha job be secured given back by management let Inacio Noronha enemies satanic attack's cults on us family be cleared. Thanks