Father God in Jesus name I pray and ask that Renault and Motus will agree to settle this case out of court for the full claim amount in jesus name before the 30 th of September, for it is written ask and you will receive and whatsoever things you desire when you pray believe you recieve it and you will have it , it is also written thanks be to God who always causes us to triumph in christ grant this partition of faith I pray for you said you watch over your word to perform it and you word shall not return unto you void but it shall prosper in the thing you sent , it is written for God is not a man that he should lie nor the son of man that he should change his mind .I ask in faith that the legal practce council will rule in my favour and find Lindelwa guilty of malpractice and negligence in jesus name I plead the blood of Jesus over these partitions of faith amen