God I pray for the forgiveness of sins and for the conversion and salvation of all my enemies and my family's enemies who continue to try and kill my family and I through their many varied evil, wicked, black magic, voodoo, hoodoo, psychic, malefic, demonic, satanic and witchcraft ways and attacks in spirit and physical form. God you take no pleasure in the loss of souls to darkness therefore I pray have mercy on them and deliver them from the darkness of the evil one himself, his demons and evil ways that they continue to blind them and to lead them away from you to the ruin of their souls. Save them. God have mercy on my family and I, hear us, forgive us, protect us, deliver us, save us, heal us and delay not to save us from these evil attacks constantly being waged against us and against you God Almighty in our lives. God I pray never permit my family and I to be separated from you nor to forget you in any kind of way or form. Amen.