My APRIL/EASTER Prayer Requests
1. I pray for the Nation of Ukraine-My Lord Jesus please deliver,purge&heal Ukraine from Putin&Russian army and threat of Socialism/Communism/Bolshekvishim/Sovietism/and to dismantle the UPA&adoration of Stepan/Stefan Bandera a man responsible for the murder/slaughter of hundreds of thousands of people mostly Poles during and after WW2- whose evil&fascist ideology is as bad and dangerous as Hitler's, Stalin's and Putin's. I pray for President Zelenskyy&family members- their protection and salvation&Ukrainian government and the Mayor of Kyiv Klitshko will survive this war. I PRAY NO MORE UPA influences or UPA FLAGS&SYMBOLS will take part in anti-war protests in the West and for the Western World to understand what the UPA stands for& did in the past.- because fascism is not a response to sovietism&communism- it is as much evil as Sovietism&Communism are and the majority in the world do not know nor understand Eastern european history. I pray for the Protection of Nations taking in Ukrainian refugees&migrants and I especially pray for the Protection of Poland in this time- that the help they are giving to Ukrainians will not backfire and that another UPA slaughter will not take place of Poles or Lemkos on Polish and former Polish land(now Western UKraine/Lviv). I also pray Ukrainians will not sell out Poles to Germans or Russians- that truly this war will come to an end and that Polish democracy,society&culture will not pay the price for giving help to Ukraine. I also pray for the Salvation of Ukrainians and for the Catholic&Evangelical minorities in Ukraine and for Orthodox Christians in Ukraine&Russia to not harbor harbour hatred, anger, bitterness towards Catholics&Evangelical Protestants and Christians of other denominations. I also pray for the nations France,Germany&Netherlands to stop economically, politically, financially trying to destroy Poland's soverignty and other Eastern European Nations.Currently France,Germany&Netherlands are doing business with Russia and have blocked Poland's EU money support- because Poland is a Catholic Country, Poland is Pro-life, Poland is Pro-traditional marriage- not gay marriage, no lgbt adoptions allowed, no government sponsored sex transition surgeries, no euthanasia, only married couples can adopt children in Poland and Polish government teaches that parents not the government are responsible about teaching students about sexuality&orientation. Poland has not given into the Green New Deal climate hysteria either as compared to other EU nations. Poland also has done well&is a stable country- considering all the partitions, wars, times of insecurity&poverty, invasions, communism it has lived through. Poland does not have to be like Netherlands, Germany or France and Polish people deserve to freely choose the government they want to run their country and Poland has a right to secure&protect its soverignity and independence regardless if they stay in the EU or decide to step away from the EU like the UK did.
2.I pray for Christians of other denominations including Protestants, Orthodox Christians, Evangelicals to open their eyes to the Fatima secrets.I pray Pope Francis's consecration of Russian will work and for Russians to be saved&to not be afraid to fight for democracy and freedom in their country. I pray for Christians to realize We do not have anti-Christianphobia laws nor protections like we have anti-semitism or anti-islamaphobia laws Jews&Muslims have- and we are faced with discrimination on a daily basis by many lapsed Christians, atheists, non-Christian religions- it is the Christians in the Middle East that have probably suffered the most in the conflict between Jews&Muslims and I know Messianic Jews and Jews who convert to Christianity are often persecuted and rejected in Israel and by their own Jewish families- some have faced and experienced shunning. I think Christians need to wake up- stop catering to the non-Christians/non-believers and pray for the salvation and repentance of their own family members, friends, community members&co-workers, cities/countries they live in. Community&Worldwide Prayer is very powerful.
3. Please continue to pray for the Lord deliver,protect,save,protect&heal- America&World&Nations of this world from demonic&occult attacks,natural disasters, Covid-19(new variants)&other diseases(cancer/ms/dementia/as/parkinsons/infections/viruses/bacterias/disabilities etc),wars/invasions&conflicts, falsehoods&false preachers/Church leaders,missinformation, abuse, corruption, evil, mortal&venial sins, unrepentant sin,non-medical abortions,gay marriage&lgbt/transgenderism ideology/pride culture,fornication,incest, adultery, lust, glutony,polygamy/polyandry/open relationships, divorce&annulments on false grounds,abandoment, domestic violence, child abuse&trafficking, organ trafficking, child labor, economic&labor abuses, poverty, hunger,famine,drought,selfishness, love&obsession of money&power,sexual addictions&sins, pornography&porn industry,prostitution, recreational drug use&legalization/promotion of drug use,jealousy&envy,bitterness&unforgiveness,falsehoods&gossip/slander, resentment&anger, violence,&violent attacks, crimes&lawlesslness, lack of law&order, lack of self-respect&respecting others, hypocrisy, substance&other addictions,gambling,human trafficking&open borders,false religions/belief systems&terrorism,lies&attacks from non-Christians&non-Christian religions, lies from fake&lapsed Christians, attacks from religious people who have no living relationship with Jesus Christ, atheisim,socialism,communism,fascism, false political systems-one world order,green new deal,green climate/carbon tax hysteria,hyper inflation, idolatry, revenge, falsehoods,manipulated news&media,fake elections&illegal votes, pollution&poisons,harmful chemicals&agents, lack of access to medical care&basic necessities,lack of safe drinking water, lack of education, lack of access to vaccines,medicines&modern family planning,lack of access to maternity,fetal,pre&post-natal care,genocides,ethnocides,racism,ethnocentrism,sexism,hunger,injustices,sexual assaults&sexual abuse,slavery, curses,bondages, hexes, spells,infirmities, voodoo, witchcraft, evil magic/spells&potions, death&occult worship, false religious traditions&practices,false dogmas&theology,Satanism&satanic influences, freemasonry,Christian Patriarchy&Quiverful movement/IBLP/ATI/GOTHARD,pedophiles&rings, criminals, media/political,celebrity&elitists propaganda,manipulations&lies and other sins&broken problems of this world both known&unknown. Lord we pray for the repentance, revival,conversion&salvation of all souls and nations across the globe especially for non-Christian nations(especially the Middle East,Asia,Africa,India,China, North Korea, Russia and other non-Christian nations) and nations who are turning back on their Christian roots,Christian values&morals (Canada,US,UK,WESTERN&CENTRAL EUROPE(EU NATIONS),EASTERN EUROPE). Lord deliver us from all evil, forgive us our sins, and lead us all into eternal life through Christ Our Lord. Amen.
4. Please Lord cast out all maternal&paternal generational curses,bondages,hexes,spells,infirmities,sins,addictions,evil spells/occult attacks,diseases,falsehoods&false traditions/false beliefs-both physical,emotional,spiritual,psychological&mental in my bloodline&family tree. Lift stagnation,financial,health curses&curse of singleness/relationship curses from my life, all bondages,infirmities,hexes,spells,gossip,jealousy,brokenness,evil,bad habits from my body. Please pray daily&speak healing over my body- may all endometriosis/cysts/fibroid/ibs/abnormal growths/inflammation/bacteria/viruses/adhesions/health&any other curses leave my BODY&ALIGNMYORGANS. Since February I have struggled with terrible Sciatic, PSOAS back pain and pelvic pain- and I also learned my family doctor is relocating out of province and I cannot find a new family physician. Please pray for my health, healing&my family's health and healing. Please also pray for the health of my aging female Pet cockatiel bird hen- while she has finally stopped laying edggs, she has also had lose urates on and off- I pray that God would heal her and give her a couple more years on this earth with me. She has been such a blessing to me&I need her- because she has helped me struggle with my health issues and has reduced the anxiety/worry I have when I experience pain and flare ups. I also pray that God would protect me and free me from the risks of breast cancer, ovarian cancer, uterine/endometrial cancer and for all cysts, other cancers, fibroids, adhesions to dissolve and be released so I can function like a regular person can. I am scared that the Mini-pill is not strong enough to keep endometriosis in remission- pray for God's will if I should stay on this treatment plan longterm or not. Please Lord let all doubts about my health&life be released& let go and show me your will&way and path for my life.
5. March was a better money for teaching work- I actually had solid work for 3-4 full days each week for more than 3 weeks. I pray my interim teaching certificate is successfully renewed and that a Principal signs the form so this can go through. I pray that another school division which has barely given me work will not trying to stop the division I am mostly working for in renewing my teaching certificate. I pray nothing and nobody will stop my teaching certificate renewal. I also praying for those spirits&people blocking my career ,miracles, breakthroughs or opportunity for work be stopped in the name of Jesus. I also pray for the Most Precious Blood of Jesus to cover my health, family/relationships, finances/work&life. Sunday is my Birthday and I hope I will be blessed to live another year on this Earth doing God's will. Amen.
6. Please specifically pray for the following people: Please pray for Kasia as she continues to battle breast cancer and now Covid. Please pray for her&sons protection,salvation,breakthrough, blessings,healing&miracles. Victor had lung surgery last fall for a lung collapse and last month he went to see a specialist and now it turns out his lung isn't collapsing but has damage from all the smoking he did and he can no longer work as a Carpenter/Private Contractor and his family is facing a financial crisis. He has done everything to take care of his body- quit smoking, quit physically demanding job&private business, exercising, eating a balanced diet and taking care of his health. He has been struggling with stomach, breathing&financial difficulties since his surgery which took place last year. Please Lord protect&deliver Victor from possible cancer/copd/covid/lung failure. Please pray for Victor&protect,guide&heal him Lord.
Please continue to pray for Justyna as she continues to put her relationship with her husband a head of her relationship with Christ&her children. I pray Andrew moves out of her house- it is not Justyna's responsibility to take care of and sponsor her husband's family from Trinidad/Barbados&South Florida. I pray for Ryan to stop abusing alcohol&smoking cigarettes&weed and to stop emotionally/financially/physically taking advantage of his Wife.
I pray that God would bless these individuals with miracles, blessings, open blindfloods, expose lies,unrepentant sins&evil surrounding them and shield them with a protection of Heavenly Angels&for the Holy Spirit to move through and in them. Salvation,repentance,discernment, wisdom and guidance of the Holy Spirit Lord. Amen.
7. Please pray for those impacted by natural disasters across the globe, those impacted by War/genocide/ethnocide, those impacted by violent crime&shootings across the world, those who have missing loved ones, those who are servicing in the military&armed forces, the lonely&lost, homeless,those lost in addictions&gambling,substance,drug abuse, those impacted by trafficking&prostitution, those dying from covid and other diseases those impacted by the loss of a loved one during the Lent/Easter season. Please also pray for the health care workers across the world- they're truly giving their all throughout this pandemic including my own aunt- who is a nurse in Poland and a covid survivor herself.
8.I pray that God would answer all our prayer requests both spoken&unspoken. I PRAY FOR ALL TRAVELING THIS LENT&EASTER SEASON/SPRING BREAKERS that God would protect them from accidents, premature/sudden/unexpected death,covid-19 and I pray for the PCR&Rapid testing to end for travel- I am fully vaccinated and if we truly are a free world then people who are vaccinated shouldn't have to be tested for covid to board a plane to go to the US or Europe. I PRAY MAY GOD BLESS EACH ONE OF YOU AND THANK-YOU FOR JOINING/UNITING WITH ME IN PRAYER. Amen.
The Lord is my rock, my fortress, and my deliverer, my God, my rock in whom I take refuge, my shield, and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold. PSALM 18:2