Brain damage from an overdose from a Doctor when I was a teenager. This effected my ability to compete with my peers academically, socially, career-wise. I've been walking around in a brain fog rut stupor ever since and forced to watch my peers move on while I'm stuck. They graduate college, get married, go on honeymoon, have kids, buy a house, their kids have kids, their kids kids graduate college. Meanwhile I've been stuck in and endless spree of min wage jobs since high school living paycheck to paycheck. Lonely, No friends, no wife, no dignity, no house. Now, on top of my brain fog, my physical stamina has gotten so bad I have to take multiple naps just to get through the day. I can't function. I read the story of the fig tree that had no fruit and it got cut it off and thrown in the fire to be burned. How can you expect me to be fruitful if you don't equip and empower me? I want God to restore the years the locusts have robbed from me and let me be productive. At 57 I'm 3/4 through average lifespan. I'm tired of seeing others on vacation living fruitful lives while life for me has been a grind and spinning my wheels with no progress and nothing to show for it. Jesus you said you came that we might have life abundantly. I want that. That which I feared most has come upon me. Let that which I hope for most now come upon me.