Jennifer's Prayer

Dear God, I am trying to understand your plans for me. I am trying to understand why so many things happened at once: Mom's heart attack and Dad's death. I am trying to get my book out in the world because I think it's a story about hope and perseverance. I don't know what else to do. It feels as if nothing can fill me up. God, you fill me up. You show me what to do. You take care of money, of Mom. Because I am so tired, I can't do it anymore.
I've worked all my life to improve my writing and get my work out there. I've always wanted to have books published on my own shelf at the library. I want a house of my own. I want Mom to be in a safe place. I want to be self-sufficient and not worry about money all the time. I want my back to stop hurting. I want things to go right instead of wrong.

Please bless the souls of Suzanne, Floyd, Thora, Richard, and Timothy.