Please pray for these&our prayer intentions. I pray we have and continue to have Blessed Fall, coming up American Thanksgiving and coming up Advent Season!!!!!This is my updated prayer requests for November/December/Early January- will send an update in January. I kindly ask you to pray for these prayer requests daily until I email an update(sometime in early to mid January). Lord Jesus I pray for the following intentions and I kindly place them before your feet:1) I continue to pray for the healing of my mom(Janina) from pre-fibrotic primary myleofibrosis- she has experienced elevated counts when the doctor lowered her dose and now put her back on her original dose. She had blood work last week and saw her hematologist and her counts are still slightly elevated and needs to stay on the 1000 mg dose of Hydroxyeura and 1 mini aspirin pill daily. Her yearly abdominal ultrasound came out normal- no enlarged spleen and no enlarged liver which is good news and no atherosclerosis/fibrosis. I pray for my mom's protection and deliverance from Acute myeloid leukemia, bone marrow fibrosis, other cancers, blood clots,stroke, heart disease, atheosclerosis, fibrosis of liver&spleen,enlarged spleen&other organs,anemia, accidents, unexpected&premature death, tragic death, enemies both known and unknown, satanic assaults,infirmities&curses including generational curses. I pray any chemicals, pesticides, genetic changes/mutations that caused her to get sick be removed from her body and environment she lives in, is exposed to and travels to. I pray that Jesus would heal her, protect and watch over her.
2) I continue to pray for my own healing(Magdalena) from endometriosis, ibs, fibroids&ovarian cysts/abnormal growths, low iron/ferritin levels(counts still in the low normal range), inflammation/arthritis, health,career/financial&relationship(struggling with singleness&loneliness at times) anxieties&excessive worries. I pray for my protection and deliverance from cancer/other diseases, blood clots,stroke, heart disease, accidents, unexpected&premature death, tragic death, enemies both known and unknown, satanic assaults,infirmities&curses.That God would give me the the strength, grace, mercy, understanding, wisdom,the guidance to be able to overcome what is coming now(present) and during the months of November and December and in the future. I continue to pray for a permanent job and for a Godly husband and for God honoring friendships and relationships- it is so hard to find Godly friends these days.Given the fact I have endometriosis my ob/gyn is sending me to a fertility specialist to explore my options- although my denomination is against this- I am considering having an IUI through donor sperm to have a baby. I recognize I may not ever marry, but the call from God for mother-hood is very strong and I have been praying about this area for years and I feel the Lord is showing me what to do and I do recognize that having a consultation with a fertility expert is wise. I am also 38 years old and my egg supply is dwindling as well- it is not a sin to take care of my health and explore my options. My Denomination is obsessed with Natural law- but it is funny how natural doesn't apply to them when they have cancer, life threatening illness- but they do not believe that infertility is a disease that can be treated and they are also opposed to contraception which I am using treat my endometriosis, because they do not consider pregnancy a disease or health issue(well it is especially for women like who most likely will need a csection(major surgery) if I choose to have a baby). Adoption is more expensive then IUI/IVF and is out of the question and my country of birth Poland does not allow single women to adopt- which I find to be sad- because I have so much love to give.I am thank-ful for all the employment opportunities I have had and thank-ful for all blessings both known and unknown. I pray for the protection of my certificate/job and for career breakthrough as I am looking for permanent/full-time employment. I am praying for guidance/wisdom, protection,healing,peace&unity in my family unit,breakthrough, restoration, financial provision, deliverance and miracles from Heaven. May the will of Jesus be done and fulfilled in my life.
3)Lord I continue to pray for the salvation,deliverance,spiritual/physical healing&repentance of my entire family tree, friends, acquaintances, community. Please Lord forgive us our sins and grant eternal life to the deceased whose heart&salvation status you only know Lord and Lord lift the anxiety of any weary souls out there and help those in my family tree, community&those I am praying with and for who question their salvation through Christ Jesus, those who never feel good enough,pure enough for heaven and for eternity, those who doubt the power of the cross, those who are in some sort of earthly purgatory/perkatory- who are not sure about their eternity- Lord it is not your will that we perish in the fires of hell, but you came so we may have life.I also pray for the physical healing,emotional healing, financial blessings/provision, miracles for my entire family tree,friends,acquaintances&community. I pray for deliverance, all generational curses/inflictions/infirmities to be lifted from my entire family tree both on maternal and paternal lines.
4)I pray for the healing&protection of my aging pet cockatiel bird hen and all pets of this world. May you grant eternal life&rest to all pets whose hearts&salvation status only you know Lord. May they be protected by and watched over by your heavenly angels&saved souls in heaven including St.Francis of Assisi- the patron saint of animals/pets.
5) The world is so divided and there is so much hatred towards Christians, Messianic Jews and Israel and bias as well across the World. I understand God has no political affliation- but we really need common sense,Godly leadership and Godly values&morals and less polarization and Biblical truth to return to our Churches&places of fellowship,communities,Schools,Public&Private sectors of work/employment and Society. We need people to realize that Christianity came out of Judaism and not Islam and that Islam is not the truth,way, light but JESUS CHRIST IS. Christian leaders including the Pope, Western Leaders need to realize that it was God who gave the Israelites rights to the Holy Land not Israel itself and Jesus was a Jew and the prophesized Messiah and Saviour of the World. I pray that God would open the hearts of non-Messianic Jews to come to the Lord like Messianic Jews have. I also pray for strong and responsible Father and Mother figures&presence in families and communities. I pray for the victims of the Oct.7 attacks and for the missing especially the children, elderly, disabled. I pray for Muslims to repent and accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior and leave the falsehoods of Islam for the truth of Christianity. I pray for the protection and deliverance of all Christians in the Holy Land, Middle East and those living in Nations that are opposed to Christianity. I pray for the 2024 Election in the US- may Godly leadership and Godly values/morals win in America and may people repent of their evil/sinful ways and open their eyes and seriously pray before they go out vote and put God, Biblical values/morals and country above their own selfish needs and empty unbiblical ideologies. I also pray people stop blaming others for the problems&crisis they face instead they open their hearts, minds, ears and eyes to the Lord and pray for wisdom,guidance and the truth/courage to make the right and honest choices in their lives and think things through when making decisions- especially when it comes about matters of Faith, Family, Career/finances, Community, Country and Leadership. 6) As the War in Ukraine and in the Holy Land continues- I pray for peace,prosperity,understanding,respect&unity between Catholics,Orthodox Christians, Anglicans, Protestants&other Christian Churches&denominations across the globe. I pray for the war in Ukraine, Holy Land and others wars/global conflicts to come to an end and for peace and revival on the planet. I especially pray for those communities impacted by war, gun violence, trafficking, hunger/famine/poverty and those impacted by natural disasters. 7)I pray for the Salvation, Repentance, Deliverance,Protection,Peace, Revival of America,Canada&Western Nations, other Nations of the World. I also pray for the salvation and repentance of non-Christians living on Western lands and for God to deliver and protect us from all evil. I pray for revival in Western culture and nations and for North America&Western,Northern(Scandinavia)/Central Europe to return to their Christian roots, values, morals&traditions before Western civilization falls. I pray Christians will not be ashamed of preaching and believing that the only way to Heaven is through Jesus Christ. I also pray for Christians to stop sacrificing their beliefs in the name of worldly popularity or worldly values. I pray for healing in Maine, US as they recover from the terrible violent gun attack that took place last week especially praying for those grieving over lost loved ones and salvation of the deceased.
8) I pray for the sick, hurting, addicted, grieving, dying, lonely,chronically/terminally ill, the homeless, the down trodden, those in constant pain, hungry, poor, starving, the impoverished,victims of violent&petty crimes, victims of addictions/addicts, victims of domestic violence, victims of war, child soldiers, victims of ethnocides&genocides,war/war crimes, the outcasts,the neglected, the mentally&physically disabled and challenged, castaways, the mentally ill, those impacted by human/child/organ/drug/sex/gun trafficking, those suffering from sexual/emotional or physical abuse that Lord you would heal,save them emotionally&physically and deliver them. Please Lord send your angels to all these individuals and deliver these individuals from the suffering they face constantly and heal them.
9) I pray for all unspoken&spoken prayer requests of all who follow&pray for this Ministry and for Godly leadership and blessings.
10) I pray for those impacted by natural disasters(landslides/mudslides, earthquakes,hurricanes,tornadoes,volcanoes,sand storms,floods,tsunamis, wild fires).
11)Lord please show your grace,mercy,compassion,forgiveness,wisdom,guidance for the Nations of this World. I pray may blindfolds,falsehoods,addictions,hatred,anger,division,lies,crimes, lying/liars, manipulations&manipulators,wolves in sheeps clothing,demonic attacks&influence, the culture/instruments of death&satan worshipping, laws and people/false leaders supporting sexual immoralities&mortal sins be lifted and exposed before the next Presidential&Federal/Parliamentary elections in the US&OTHER COUNTRIES. I pray for Repentance,Forgiveness, Grace,Mercy, Peace, Truth, Salvation&Revival across our continent&world continents and for the protection of Christians and the Sanctity of marriage and life across the world. I also pray for Godly and biblical leadership across Christian denominations and Church leadership levels including the Vatican/Pope Francis,Church of England&Other Churches/Denominations. I also pray for Healing&Strong Leadership within the Royal Family and for protection,salvation&strong leadership skills for King Charles III&his family and all Christian Leaders across Denominations.Praying for newly selected House Speaker Mike Johnson and Family as well- may the Lord guide Mike as he takes on a new role as House Speaker. Revival, repentance, salvation,truth,grace Lord in your Church&Faith communities. May the haters who belittle/demean him for his Christian and conservatives beliefs stop and repent of their ways. Amen. 2 My brothers and sisters,[a] whenever you face trials of any kind, consider it nothing but joy, 3 because you know that the testing of your faith produces endurance; 4 and let endurance have its full effect, so that you may be mature and complete, lacking in nothing. James 1: 2-4.
Lead me in your truth, and teach me, for you are the God of my salvation; for you I wait all day long. Psalm 25:5
It is right for me to think this way about all of you, because you hold me in your heart, for all of you share in God’s grace with me, both in my imprisonment and in the defense and confirmation of the gospel. Philippians 1:7
9 For God has destined us not for wrath but for obtaining salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ. 1 Thessalonians 5:9 Jesus answered, “Very truly, I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of God without being born of water and Spirit. John 3:5 So Jesus said to them, “Very truly, I tell you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you. John 6:53 And we know that the Son of God has come and has given us understanding so that we may know him who is true; and we are in him who is true, in his Son Jesus Christ. He is the true God and eternal life. 1 John 5:20