Bill & Carol's Prayer

Prayer Request

With a very heavy heart 2023 is turning out to be a very turbulent year of terrible events that is shaking our civilization to the core. Manmade and Natural Disasters??

Pray for peace!

Maybe we will be surprised with good things, but the last 3 years is any indication we are in deep trouble as a civilization from 2023 onward??

Pray for peace!!
Spring, Summer 2023....??
Updated Prayer Request.
Community of Prayer,

Thank you for praying!

Please continue to pray with us for God's Healing and Protecting Peace Now and in the Days ahead...Long Term! Still recovering from events in our lives of Family, Friends Deaths(loss of our only son) and other sorrows and hardships from the past and Now! Pray for God's healing and protecting peace Now and in the days ahead... Spring, Summer 2023....Eternal Rest. Especially in the terrible(New Dark Ages) times(2020's) in which we are living in with the ongoing events. Both manmade and natural disasters are increasing at a rate we have not seen in modern civilization.

Long Term Prayer Request for God's Healing and Protecting Peace in the months ahead?? Spring, Summer,Fall 2023,2024..??

Please pass on to others to pray in the Worldwide Community of Prayer. Urgent! Long term.