Beau's Prayer

I ask in Jesus’s Name to get a good paying job that’s financially secure happy,stable and dignified that allows time for family ,prayer and God

Marry my best friend Gabby sweep her off her feet and really step up and prove myself worthy to hold her heart and that Gabby sees it’s good fruit

Provide for Gabby and our family and our children whatever God sees fit for our whole lives

Help me lead in this relationship with Gabby
And be another Saint Joseph to her a Godly Man and Father and to do Whatever God Wills with adequate housing protection love
And security with our eyes always on heaven

Lord Jesus, please, guide Gabby today!
I entrust her care and safety to you and ask you to bless her and our relationship. Guard her heart and soul and all her faculties and bless her family and our future family and children
And in your name If it’s God’s Holy Will let Salvador and Marisol Razo let me marry their daughter Gabby