During these early days of Lent, we will pray with the three gardens of our Redemptive History. Lent is the time for personal and communal preparation for the renewal of our baptismal ordinations and life orientation. On this Ignatian Silent Retreat, there will be scripture-based conferences with plenty of time for hearing, listening and comforting of spirit. Reverent silence will surround us while we allow God to pray around and within us.
$292.79 (Double)
(Includes program fee, meal and taxes)
If you would like to register two persons, please fill out the registration form for one person first, then click on “Register another Guest in this program” and provide the information for the other person.
If no bedrooms available, call retreat center to be put on a waiting list.
**If you are exempt from Nebraska state taxes, would like to arrive earlier or depart later, or require special meal arrangements, please contact us. Cancellation Policy: The total cost includes a program fee, which is non-refundable, but which can be used for future retreats.
Father Larry Gillick, SJ, was ordained in 1972. He serves as Director of the Deglman Center for Ignatian Spirituality at Creighton University. He is a sought after retreat master around the country and spiritual director of students, faculty and alumni at Creighton University.