St. Francis has inspired followers of Jesus throughout the centuries and still does today.
At San Damiano, a church building in ruins outside of his native Assisi, Francis heard Christ’s word “rebuild my church!” We are called to assist in rebuilding the Church, not one of brick and mortar, but by witness and action. The Canticle of the Sun, also known as Canticle of the Creatures or Laudes Creaturarum, will lead us deeper into the spirituality of St. Francis, especially his love for creation and our care for nature, and the challenge of being messengers of peace!
(Includes program fee and lunch)
**If you are exempt from Nebraska state taxes, would like to arrive earlier or depart later, or opt out of meals, please contact us. Cancellation Policy: The total cost includes a program fee, which is non-refundable, but which can be used for future retreats.
Br. Tobias Dammert, OSB
Brother Tobias Dammert, OSB, a professed monk of 50 years, serves as development director of the Benedictine Mission House and as liturgist of Christ the King Priory. He holds a Certificate in Spiritual Direction from Benedictine Peace Center in Yankton, SD.