As children of the Holy One, we are invited to live in wonder.
Yet in a world that at times seems full of woe, that can feel dark and dingy, we need sacred space to practice living in the light of awe and astonishment. Come – Walk into wonder! Taste the goodness of God. Grow in your awareness of the Divine that begins with wonder. Come be "wow-ed" as in be wonder filled!
(Includes program fee and lunch)
**If you are exempt from Nebraska state taxes, would like to arrive earlier or depart later, or opt out of meals, please contact us. Cancellation Policy: The total cost includes a program fee, which is non-refundable, but which can be used for future retreats.
Margie M. Walker
Margie M. Walker, as teacher, spouse, mother of six and spiritual director has been leading retreats and journeying with fellow pilgrims around the US for over 35 years. Of late, as trained catechist, she has been introducing little ones to the tenderness of the Good Shepherd in parish CGS (Catechesis of the Good Shepherd) programs.
Terri Storer
Terri Storer is a spiritual director/companion as well as a facilitator of Joyce Rupp’s Boundless Compassion program. Terri seeks opportunities for spiritual connection, particularly creating spaces for acceptance and belonging with compassion through reflection, contemplation, and creative expression.
Michaela Johnson
Michaela Johnson has spent 25 years designing and leading adult faith formation in multiple settings and formats, including retreats, scripture groups, a JustFaith program, and the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. – All three presenters are facilitators of Joyce Rupp’s Boundless Compassion program.