Dear Friends,
Saint Francis de Sales
“A spoonful of honey attracts more flies than a barrel full of vinegar.” These are the words of Saint Francis de Sales (1567–1622). Francis ministered as a priest in Switzerland, became later the bishop of Geneva, and was known for his kind and gentle personality. Francis employed the most modern methods of evangelization at his time: printing his sermons on pamphlets that he fixed on trees, gates and doors of homes. Plus, he wrote the first book in Church history that was addressed specifically to lay people, the Introduction to the Devout Life.
In this work, he points out that the journey to a deeper relationship with God and to holiness looks differently “for the gentleman, the worker, the soldier, the servant, the prince, the married woman, the widow or widower and the young. But even this distinction is not sufficient.” For the spiritual practice “must also be adapted to the strength, temperament, activities and duties of each person.”
Prayer, the sacraments, and growing in the virtues are important for everyone, he says. But these practices must be carried out in accordance with a person’s station in life and their calling. “The bee collects honey from flowers without harming them; it leaves them as whole and as fresh as it found them. True devotion is like the bee and even better: Not only does it not undermine any vocation or activity, but it makes it more perfect. Your care for your family becomes more peaceful; the mutual love of husband and wife, deeper…and every occupation, more pleasant and agreeable.”
Therefore, discernment is needed in terms of which spiritual practices are right for each one of us at this point in our lives. Going on retreat and stepping back from one’s everyday routines and duties can be helpful. A retreat, private and individual or in a group, can be a time of learning and practicing new spiritual disciplines. Meeting with a spiritual director can bring deeper understanding and more inner clarity. Please let us know when you are ready to go on retreat!
From St. Benedict Center I can report that we have made a number of improvements during the past months: new easy chairs in the concourse and the lobby, renovated bathrooms, and very good Wi-Fi now also in the Solarium. A second 85’’ Smart TV was added and a Kandao (Meeting Owl), a 360⁰ webcam with 8 microphones, which is a great improvement for Zoom meetings.
Especially worth noting among the upcoming events of our program schedule is the weekend retreat on Astronomy and Faith on April 6 – 7 with Father Christoph Gerhard, OSB, an astronomer from Germany who will make you marvel about our wonderful cosmos! Also, our former prior, Father Mauritius Wilde, OSB, will come back to us who now is the Prior of the Benedictine Study House of Sant’ Anselmo in Rome, Italy. He will present a retreat on Contemplating the Holy Eucharist on May 3 – 5. – I am looking forward to seeing you again soon!
Fr. Thomas Leitner, OSB, Administrator