Thank you from Ndanda Abbey – Tanzania

New Foundation in Mozambique

Fr. Christian Temu, O.S.B. from Ndanda reports: “Construction of the mission station in Mozambique started at the beginning of Lent 2018. Shown in this picture are two monks from Hanga Abbey responsible for the project working hand in hand with local contractor and workers. The foundations for the permanent housing for the community are laid; the walls (not shown) are rising slowly.  The experts estimate that by Christmas of this year the building will be ready for occupation.


We hope by the beginning of 2019 to have a fairly well established home base for our missionaries assigned to the Mozambique foundation from where they will be able to reach out to Christians in the surrounding villages. Asante sana – thank you for your help!”

The scripture passage comes to mind: “If the Lord does not build the house, they labor in vain who build it.” The monks of Ndanda could only start the project knowing that there is a support system standing behind their effort, one of them the prayers and financial sacrifices of the friends of the Benedictine Mission House.

The long winter months are giving way to spring and summer. It is my hope and prayer that the coming months will bring many graces and blessings as we journey through life with Jesus who has conquered death and has risen from the grave to new life with the Father.

Thanks you for your help!

Happy Easter Season – Happy Spring

Bro. Tobias, OSB