90 Years in Nebraska

Missionary Benedictines look back on 90 years of presence in Nebraska

Earlier this year it was suggested that it would be appropriate to write an article for our website, reflecting on our history and ministries. Since I was privileged of knowing two of our founding fathers, namely Br. Felix Meckel, OSB (died January 27, 1980) and Br. Egbert Backer, OSB (died January 1, 1994), I am honored to do so.

I would like to refer to the landing page of our website www.missionmonks.org where you can learn more about our history, our way of life, our work, and significant events and also view videos of interviews with members of the community.

Brothers Felix and Egbert were joined by Br. Placidus as the third monk who helped establishing the Benedictine Mission House in Schuyler. In the late 1920s, Muensterschwarzach Abbey in Franconia (founded in 816, secularized in 1803, and re-founded in 1913) sent brothers to visit relatives and friends of the community living in America, soliciting financial help for the community back home. At the time, Germany suffered from economic hardships. Living and working from a hospital in New York City that provided temporary accommodation for the brothers was not the ideal solution especially at a time when a new regime came to power in their homeland.

Br. Egbert recalled many times that it was on a cold winter night in 1935 when the group of three pioneers arrived by train in Schuyler. The pastor of St. Augustine’s Church, Fr. Dobson, welcomed the monks. Eventually they took up residence in an empty standing convent and school for music and home economics operated by the Notre Dame Sisters of Omaha, who, like so many other residents of Schuyler and Colfax County, trace their heritage to Bohemia, today part of the Czech Republic. Bishop Rummel of Omaha granted permission that the monks could settle in his diocese and conduct their work of fundraising in support of the Missionary Benedictines in former German East Africa and in Korea

The foundation date for the Benedictine Mission House is March 31, 1935.  Br. Egbert was instrumental in all the renovations of the house to make it a home, monastery, and mission office. The priests of the Mission House assisted with the celebration of the Sacraments and Eucharist in both parishes in Schuyler, St. Augustine and St. Mary, and wherever help was needed. Several brothers took care of the house, garden, donor correspondence, etc. while up to five brothers traveled the country for 9 months each year keeping in touch with donors and in search of people who might support the work of the Missionary Benedictines in Africa and Asia.

The old frame building on West 10th Street in Schuyler, next to St. Mary’s church and rectory, eventually became too crowded with all the fundraising activities that included correspondence, printing and mail processing in the basement of the house. The community went through a long and difficult process in deciding if we should relocate. Through the generosity of the Anna Ehernberger family, a 15-acre plot of pastureland was donated for a new monastery and mission office. 

On September 1, 1979, the community moved to its new location four miles north of town on Road I, also known as St. Benedict Road. Archbishop Daniel Sheehan of Omaha dedicated the chapel to Christ the King on September 16 that year.

On July 11, 1985, the new home for the monks was canonically erected as a Simple Priory under the patronage of Christ the King. It is a dependent house under the auspices of Muensterschwarzach Abbey. The monks accepted the challenge of their abbot to expand their work from fundraising to becoming a spiritual oasis in the heartland of America. 

On July 11, 1997, the retreat house and conference facility, St. Benedict Center was dedicated in the presence of many friends from near and far. The retreat house can accommodate 100 people overnight and offer meeting space for several groups at the same time. Christ the King Priory and St. Benedict Center are well known for their hospitality, beauty of facility and grounds, thanks to a dedicated staff. 

During the 90 years of Benedictine presence in Schuyler, the community followed the Rule of St. Benedict to the best of its ability. The routine of prayer and work is observed. The community gathers four times each day for the Liturgy of the Hours, in addition to the daily celebration of the Eucharist at 11:00 AM.  On Sunday, monks, retreatants and faithful from the area gathers at 9:00 AM at St. Benedict Center. Visitors are always welcome to participate.

The list of monks who have lived and prayed here at the Mission House – Christ the King Priory is long. Each one left his mark and memories are still alive. Most confreres retired to the abbey, while four, including Br. Felix, found their final resting place in our own cemetery to the east of our campus, overlooking the Platte Valley where they await the resurrection.

The community of Christ the King Priory:

Fr. Anastasius Reiser, O.S.B.                                    Prior and Mission Procurator
Fr. Adam Patras, O.S.B.                                             Subprior and Cellerar
Br. Sebastian Goldade, O.S.B.                                Liturgical Vestment Department
Fr. Thomas Andrew Hillenbrand, O.S.B.             Pastoral Ministry
Fr. Volker Futter, O.S.B.                                             Librarian
Br. Tobias Dammert, O.S.B.                                     Director of Development
Fr. Thomas Aquinas Leitner, O.S.B.                       Administrator – St. Benedict Center
Br. Andrew Fuller, O.S.B.                                           Sacristan  
Br. Moses Macalalag, O.S.B.                                   Organist, in-house nurse, receptionist
Br. Samuel Paulus, O.S.B.                                         Manager: St. Benedict Center Books & Gifts
Fr. Paul Kasun, O.S.B., PhD                                      Teacher of Sociology

Together we are committed to the Benedictine values of prayer, community, hospitality and the witness to which Jesus invites all his disciples. We are “Pilgrims of Hope” – aware of our history and the challenges ahead. Pope Francis, in his message for World Mission Sunday 2025 calls on us to be “Missionaries of Hope among all Peoples” and in particular to be Christians, bearers and builders of hope among all peoples, and joyful witnesses of the Gospel as we continue to bring the light of Christ to  all nations.


For the community,

Bro Tobias Dammert, O.S.B.


A Thanksgiving Message from Bro. Tobias


In a few days we will observe Thanksgiving! This beloved national holiday is a great opportunity for families to come together, celebrate life and give thanks for all the blessings the Lord bestows  upon us daily.

The monks of Christ the King Priory – Benedictine Mission House, together with our coworkers, extend good wishes! May your celebration of Thanksgiving be filled with gratitude and joy. 

Life has many challenges and yet, God is with us! May we never doubt that! As a people of faith, we move forward! Let us pray fervently for peace in our world, in our country, and in our communities and families.

With Thanksgiving, we enter the most festive season of the year, moving towards Christmas. Let us not forget the spiritual aspect. Hopefully you will find time to reflect on what it means in your life to be grateful and that you can look forward to the celebration of Christmas.

Black Friday and Cyber Monday have an established place in the rush towards Christmas, as does Giving Tuesday! It is a day when people of good will reach out to organizations who provide humanitarian assistance, locally, nationally and globally. Let us not ignore those who are less fortunate. I invite you to make charitable giving  part of your Christmas tradition by helping  the charity of your choice.

During the year, we Missionary Benedictines have introduced several ways of how we help our brothers and sisters in Africa through education, clean water projects, etc. THANK YOU for helping us so that we can help others. Your donations to assist us in our ministries are always appreciated and will be used as you direct us.

So much could be said, but let me conclude with the Collect for Holy Mass on Thanksgiving Day:

Father, all powerful,

Your gifts of love are countless and your goodness infinite.

As we come before you on Thanksgiving Day with gratitude for your kindness,

open our hearts to have concern for every woman, man, and child,

so that we way share your gifts in loving service.


Grant this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit.

God for ever and ever. Amen.




The monks of Christ the King Priory – Benedictine Mission House 

Bro. Tobias Dammert, OSB
Director of Development

News from Hanga Abbey, Tanzania, East Africa

News from Hanga Abbey, Tanzania, East Africa

The Conference of Mission Procurators accepted the application of the monks of Hanga Abbey in Tanzania to fund the installation of a photo-voltaic power system.

Bro. Theodory, the procurator of Hanga Abbey, reports that the building to house equipment is completed and installation is underway. The solar power system will provide for the health center and the monastery.  Later, and as needed, more panels can be added. Alternative energy, like solar power, will help to cut the current cost of the energy needs for the abbey and its institutions.

A big thanks you from the monks of Hanga and from all of us at the Mission House for the financial support with this project.

Fr. Anastasius and Br. Tobias

Bro. Tobias - Spring 2024 Message


There is never a dull moment in the life of a monastic with the daily routine of prayer and work. Following the example of Jesus, the Good Shepherd, we aim be a welcoming community where people are treated with respect.

The Cycle of Life Continues!

Tree Planting

Spring has arrived! We hope and pray with farmers for favorable weather during the planting and growing season and for protection from damaging storms.

Last year, many needle trees on our property had to be removed due to a fungus. Just in time for Earth Day 2024, planting of new trees and shrubs resumed.   

During Easter Week, the annual board meetings of our two Corporations, Benedictine Mission House and St. Benedict Center, took place. The financial review showed no discrepancies. The board members attested that funds are used as designated.

Celebrations and News!

Prior, Fr. Anastasius, OSB

On April 24, Prior Anastasius gave thanks to God for 25 years of priestly ministry. Before coming to Schuyler, he was active in youth ministry at the abbey in Germany. From 2006 to 2017 he served the community of Peramiho as their abbot. Last year in October, he assumed the job as mission procurator of Christ the King Priory in addition to his responsibilities as monastic superior.


Bro. Andrew

Br. Andrew, for many years manager of the bookstore at the retreat house, observed his 70th birthday. There is no retirement! He can be found in the mission office assisting with opening mail, taking care of the sacristy, helping our substitute cooks, comforting fellow cancer patients at the oncology clinic, checking in on friends and especially his family back home in the greater Boston area.

Bro. Samuel

With the arrival of Br. Samuel before Easter, we have now an expert who loves creating flower arrangements for house and chapel, but also a brother monk who loves running the bookstore and implementing new ideas.

I hope that you enjoy reading the potpourri of information from the mission office and monastery. Let us celebrate the cycle of life as joyous Easter people!

Thank you for your friendship and prayerful support! Greetings and best wishes!

Br. Tobias, OSB
Director of Development

April 2024

Fr. Germar Neubert, OSB

On 5 February 2024 our dear confrere Father Germar Neubert OSB, died in our infirmary at 4:30 in the afternoon. He died rather suddenly and quickly but now he has arrived in the light, he is at peace with God.

Fr Germar was born on 26 May 1939 in Arnstein. He entered Münsterschwarzach Abbey in 1959 and joined himself to our community by his profession in 1960. He was ordained a priest on 29 June 1965. Fr. Germar served in various positions of leadership in his monastic life. From 1966 to 1975 he was prefect in our boarding schools in Würzburg, Münsterschwarzach and Damme. From 1975 to 1982 he was the rector of the school in Damme. He served as the prior of the abbey from 1982 to 1993 and then became the prior of our monastery in Schuyler, Nebraska, USA from 1994 until 2011.

May the Lord reward him for his service to our abbey in various positions.

We will celebrate the Eucharist in thanksgiving for our Fr. Germar on Friday, 9 February 2024 at 2 p.m. in the abbey church and afterwards bury him in the monastery cemetery. The Funeral Mass will be livestreamed.

Abbot Michael and the Community of Münsterschwarzach

From Bro. Tobias

A Season of Change 

For weeks, farmers around the country focused on bringing in the crops. Even though the weather has been challenging throughout the planting and growing season, we give thanks for the results of the harvest. 

As the days get shorter and the fall climate slowly changes to cooler temperatures we prepare for winter. This is part of the cycle of nature. Change in family settings brings hope, joy, and the challenge of letting go. Death knocks at the door at unexpected times. This month of November, we especially remember our departed loved ones and trust that our loving and merciful God grant them eternal rest and peace. We have in them powerful intercessors in heaven!  

The Liturgical Year ends with the celebration of the Solemnity of Christ the King on November 26.    Thanksgiving Day, November 23, brings family and friends together, giving thanks for the many blessings we received throughout the year, and as a harvest festival. Let us not forget those who have less than we do! Our country and world yearn for lasting peace, and yet there is strife and unrest in many parts of the world, and even in the Church. Let us not fall into despair but be people of gratitude and hope! 

A season of change:  

As I reached my 75th birthday in October, Abbot Michael suggested that I share responsibilities with Fr. Anastasius who assumed the appointment as prior for our community in January of this year. As of late October, Fr. Anastasius also took on the job as mission procurator of Christ the King Priory – Benedictine Mission House. The main task will be correspondence with our mission partners around the globe and overseeing projects our office supports financially through the generosity of our benefactors. Before coming to Schuyler, Fr. Anastasius served as the Congregation Procurator and thus knows all the places in Africa and Asia where we are involved. My tasks remain in fundraising and donor relations.     

April 2024 – visit to Tanzania 

On November 15, we welcomed Br. Moses, O.S.B. to our community. He professed vows in 2004 at St. Benedict Priory in Digos, Philippines. He was assigned to our motherhouse in Germany, and we are grateful to Abbot Michael for sending Br. Moses to us. – If you are following us on social media platforms, especially Facebook, you have noticed reports from various missions and pictures of joyous events, but also notifications of confreres whom God called to eternity.  

No doubt, I could go on reporting. However, let me thank you for your faithful support of our work and your commitment to be the messengers of God’s love and compassion to the people in our lives. Like the disciples on the road to Emmaus, may our “hearts burn with fire and our feet keep moving” as followers of Jesus. (Pope Francis – message for World Mission Sunday 2023)   

Sr. Dolores Dufner, OSB, of St. Benedict Monastery in St. Joseph, MN, wrote a beautiful hymn that inspired me in my ministry over the years: 

“Then let us go to serve in peace the gospel to proclaim. 

God’s Spirit has empowered us; we go in Jesus’ name.” 

Thank you for your faithful support and friendship, 

Br. Tobias Dammert, O.S.B. 

Visit to Tanzania - 2023


There is a saying that has come to my mind frequently that the path to hell is paved with good intentions. I will not expand on that thought but ask your pardon for not posting updates about the projects our office is supporting or on events at the monastery.

Much has happened since the beginning of 2023. However, let me jump forward to April and report on my trip to Tanzania, accompanied by Prior Anastasius. I enjoyed his company and expertise in arranging all travel details. An added benefit is his fluency with the Swahili language.

First on the travel itinerary was one week of vacation with my siblings. I left for Germany on Easter Monday, April 10. It was a happy reunion of all seven siblings. Next stop was our motherhouse, Muensterschwarzach Abbey, for the Conference of Mission Procurators from April 17 to 20. Each time the group meets, project applications sent for consideration of support are discussed. Thanks to the generosity of donors in Europe, Asia, and the United States we can assist most times. Occasionally requests are denied or returned to the applicant with suggestions for alternative options. The Conference of Procurators requires progress reports and independent financial audits. Individual procurators assist in monitoring a project. We aim at full transparency so that we can also report to our benefactors.

Visit to Tanzania – April 21 to May 9. 2023

It has been 35 years since I visited Tanzania. The landscape of this vast and beautiful country presented itself in all shades of green since it was the end of the rainy season. Road conditions are a different story, as is the traffic. Tanzania has a young population; finding employment is a challenge. I observed farmers using primitive methods to work the land. In some regions of Africa, lack of sufficient moisture suggests that another famine could be on the rise. 

We started our visit to the four abbeys in Tanzania at Ndanda. During our stay, the emergency ward of the hospital was inaugurated and blessed, in addition to the dining/meeting hall and dormitory wing of the School of Nursing. The community has started a mission in neighboring Mozambique and plans are made for a school in Dodoma, the capital of Tanzania. One evening we spent with the Missionary Benedictine Sisters with whom the monks collaborate in many ministries.

Peramiho Abbey will mark the 125 years of Benedictine presence with the dedication of the Bishop Cassian Spiess Memorial on the site where the first Holy Mass was celebrated in 1886. Meditation stations along the route leading to the memorial use the concept of the “Bible on the Ground.” Stories from Scripture and Benedictine history will be depicted in various art forms inviting pilgrims to deepen their faith and appreciate the sacrifice of those who gave their life for the Gospel during difficult times in the country.

From Peramiho we took a day trip to the African Benedictine Sisters of the Congregation of St. Agnes at Chipole where a new convent addition is waiting for its completion. The Sisters work in many parishes, are involved in healthcare and education, in addition to caring for orphans.

We had planned a relaxing weekend at Litembo, visiting Hildegard Witt, the sister of our deceased confreres Joachim and Manuel. As a lay woman, Hildegard works for many years already at institutions of the Missionary Benedictines or the dioceses where we are represented. Litembo is known for the Diocesan Hospital and our office assisted the Diocese of Mbinga with the expansion of the hospital, addition of a new convent, and with a vocational training center.  On our way to Litembo we paid Bishop John Ndimbo a courtesy visit and stopped briefly at the Convent of the Franciscan Sisters who are headquartered in Mbinga. The diocese has its own radio studio as a tool of evangelization. Bishop John was our tour guide of Mbinga and mentioned that he will see us in the evening in Litembo. We had no idea that the next morning the dedication of the parish administration building, and the blessing of the new convent was scheduled. The Mass for the Fourth Sunday of Easter – the Good Shepherd Sunday – started at 9 AM and by the time the blessing of the new facilities was over it was 1 PM. Only 9 choirs from all the outstations of the parish participated. It was a joyous and colorful celebration. I had the privilege of addressing the faithful, bringing greetings of the benefactors in the United States. Fr. Anastasius and I humbly accepted all the praise from the officials, knowing that it was not the two of us who made funds available but the generosity of the many friends here at home.

During our visit to Hanga Abbey we were privileged to participate in the blessing of the new residence for the monks working at Coland Secondary School. Students and teachers joined us for the occasion. At each school, students assist in tending gardens and fields. Preparing for the national examinations is taken seriously. At Hanga Seminary we observed students sitting at their desk outdoors under an awning, studying or writing papers. Each school is ranked by the government, and the results are made public. Hanga Abbey is the first indigenous monastery in our Congregation, founded in 1957. The communities of Holy Spirit Abbey in Mvimwa and St. Theresa Priory in Katibunga, Zambia, call Hanga Abbey their mother, as do several small dependent houses. Hanga Abbey is known for its reforestation efforts. Currently, a proper abbey church is under construction and monks assist with many construction tasks.

The most remote abbey of our Congregation is in Mvimwa in the Diocese of Sumbawanga where monks take care of a large city parish and a Secondary School, while a Primary School is located closer to the abbey. Two monks oversee the health center at Mvimwa, holding degrees as midwife and lab technician. It is the policy that wherever the abbey has a house, brothers assigned to work there lead a life in community. Agriculture is an important task at Mvimwa, especially raising ducks, chicken, pigs, and cattle. Benefactors of the Mission House in Schuyler provided funds for an irrigation system for the banana plantation and garden. We enjoyed a demonstration! The community is blessed with many vocations to the monastic way of life. Unfortunately, the refectory of the community is very small and overcrowded, especially when the confreres on assignment and guests are present. During the rainy season it happens often that the monks must stay in church until they can walk up the hill on slippery and uneven paths to the refectory without being soaked. There is no direct access from the monastery to the dining room! High above the monastery in the mountain cliffs, the community is developing a shrine dedicated to the Blessed Mother that already draws pilgrims from near and far.

Let me summarize: all monasteries that we visited not only have hospitals, schools, and a variety of workshops, but also farmland that produces corn, beans, vegetables, etc. Monastics work together with employees, looking after livestock, pigs, and chicken, and thus following the admonition of St. Benedict who tells us that we should make a living by the work of our hands (and certainly by using the gifts of teaching, etc.) and in serving God’s people.

In discussions with the leadership of the monasteries, convents or dioceses, social and economic issues were addressed. The monks and sisters see the problems of society and are not afraid to act in finding solutions.  Foremost, finding ways that assure self-sustainability for monasteries and institutions is noticeable wherever we visited. Our monasteries are vibrant communities, not sheltered from the rest of the world. However, at this point, help from the outside is still needed. This is not taken for granted. Our brothers and sisters in Tanzania, especially at the places we visited, assured us of their prayers for the benefactors and friends of the Missionary Benedictines.  Missionaries not only evangelized among the people, but they taught them life skills that better their lives. Together we make a difference!


Ut in omnibus glorificetur Deus
That in all things God be glorified!
The spirit of St. Benedict is alive!

June 2023
Br. Tobias Dammert, O.S.B.

Mission and Project Updates


The confreres of Ndanda Abbey in Tanzania are back in Mozambique. Following times of unrest in the country, they started anew at a new location.  We rejoice with the community and pledge to be of assistance, as we have done in the past. The following is a message from Ndanda:

We are grateful to the Almighty God. With the support of our Congregation and especially because of the huge support of Missio-Austria and so many benefactors from Europe and America - at last, today, the construction work for the first building of ST. BENEDICT MONASTERY MECÚA in Mozambique has started. The blessing, which was the sign that the work has started off, was given by His Grace Ignacio Saure, the Archbishop of Nampula. God willing, in 8 months the work will be finished and the long-awaited community life in Mecúa will commence. Two words: JOY! GRATEFULNESS!

Development of Marian Shrine at Mvimwa, Tanzania

Fr. Francis, OSB of Holy Spirit Abbey, responsible for the Marian Shrine, works with young confreres. They have already prepared the ground and grotto. Pilgrims come regularly for Holy Mass and devotions. Friends of the Mission House provided funding to bring a water line to the site. Fr. Francis writes:

Fruits of our labor...Harvesting a good quality native coffee...Praise God for His wondrous deeds...

Pilgrim Group at Mvimwa Marian Shrine

Work in Progress – Convent Addition in Chipole – funded by friends of the Benedictine Mission House 

Monastic Vows at Mvimwa – Holy Spirit Abbey – May 31, 2023

It was a joyous day when 6 novices of Holy Spirit Abbey made their first monastic vows before Abbot Pambo, the community and faithful who gathered for the occasion. During the same liturgy, two monks made their Solemn Profession as Missionary Benedictines.  

2022 - Year in Review

The Year 2022 in Review 

“The Lord bless you and keep you!

The Lord let his face shine upon you and be gracious to you!

The Lord look upon you kindly and give you peace!”

The blessing from the Book of Numbers is well known and used in liturgical prayer by all Christian denominations. This blessing is very dear to me. I am writing the first blog message for the mission office during the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity (Jan. 18 through 25).  At the Last Supper, Jesus prayed that his followers be one! History and events of long ago have brought division. It took decades before religious leaders could overcome obstacles and sit face to face to address issues that unite us, but also what still divides us. Thank God, the dialogue is ongoing! As followers of Jesus let us embrace the call of The Joy of the Gospel to which Pope Francis invites us all.  Let us live our faith joyfully and be a light in the darkness of our world and a beacon of hope!

Let me share with you about our monastic community in Schuyler, our ministries and give you a report of fundraising activities in 2022. Without the prayerful and financial support of many friends we would not be able to help with projects of the Missionary Benedictines around the world and out outreach to those in need. This outreach happens also here in the United States.

Christ the King Priory is a dependent house of the Abbey of Muensterschwarzach, Germany. In 1935, our pioneers settled in the heartland of America, taking up residence in an empty standing convent in Schuyler, Nebraska, that formerly served as school for home economics, etc. operated by the Notre Dame Sisters of Omaha. From here our “good will ambassadors” travelled to almost ever state to find new friends and supporters. Today we must use technology and direct mail in finding new friends.


We remain committed to the personal approach that our pioneer monks handed down to us!


Monks of Christ the King Priory:

            Fr. Anastasius Reiser, OSB                            Prior

            Fr. Adam Patras, OSB                                    Subprior and Cellerar

            Br. Sebastian Goldade, OSB                        Vestment Department

            Fr. Tom Hillenbrand, OSB                             Pastoral Ministry

            Fr. Volker Futter, OSB                                   Oblate Director, Librarian

            Br. Tobias Dammert, OSB                             Director of Development

            Fr. Thomas Leitner, OSB                               Administrator of St. Benedict Center

            Br. Andrew Fuller, OSB                                 Bookstore Manager


Confreres on assignment:        Fr. Paul Kasun, OSB  St. Benedict Priory, El Rosal, Colombia

                                                Fr. Jacques Missihoun, OSB, Abbey of the Incarnation, Agbang, Togo


For the past 6 years, Fr. Joel Macul, OSB, served our community as its prior. On January 15, 2023, he handed over the responsibilities to Fr. Anastasius. We thank Fr. Joel for his energy and leadership and wish him God’s blessings as he returns to his monastery of profession, St. Paul’s Abbey in Newton, NJ.

Despite the challenges of the corona virus and its variances, you responded generously to our appeals. Your financial support in 2022 helped with these projects:

  • St. Michael’s Priory, Kumily, Kerala: renovation of monks’ residence and formation house in Malom and expansion of rubber tree plant - $119,708.00

  • Our Lady Help of Christians Abbey, Ndanda, Tanzania: ongoing formation and education for hospital staff - $125,961.00

  • African Benedictine Sisters of Our Lady Help of Christians, Mwanza, Tanzania: student hostel for their schools - $121,849.00

  • Congregation of St. Ottilien: operating cost of our study houses in Kenya and Zambia & student fees - $80,048.00

  • Christmas Appeal 2022 – general mission support  (as of 1-20-23) - $241,792,00

  • Website Christmas Appeal 2022 – photovoltaic systems for African monasteries - $13,210.00

  • Mass offerings  (Masses have been celebrated with the help of missionaries) - $148,173.00

In 2022, the total income from appeals, regular mail, and bequests came to $3,386,068.28 with the average donation of almost $200.00.

In our appeal letters we always stress that you, the donor, have your own needs and obligations and that these must come first. A big thank you to all our friends who supported our work again financially and with their payers.

We try to find new supporters through personal contact, referrals, and mailings. In 2022 we received help from over 2,000 new donors, acquired through mailings or who found us on the internet. The average donation from these new friends came to $42.03. Many remained faithful supporters beyond their initial gift. The promotional mailing seeks support for our hospitals, farming and environment, clean water, and support of education in Africa and Asia.

In 2022, we mailed #1,014.057 pieces of appeal letters to friends and potential donors. Our expenses are covered from investment income, a fund that was established many years ago. We do not hire consultants. However, printing and bulk mailings are outsourced to a company in Omaha.

All incoming mail receives personal attention and, if possible, is acknowledged the very same day. Postage increases do not stop us: all gifts are acknowledged, even a $1.00 gift because we believe that the proverbial “widows mite” adds to the funds that make outreach possible and successful. It is also our policy that 100% of the donations are used for the purpose indicated by the donor.

The total income of 2022 includes funds from bequests that have been used towards projects if the Last Will and Testament did not state a specific purpose. My predecessor once wrote a brochure “The Law has no Soul.” Hopefully this helpful information can be reprinted and shared. Contact us if you have any questions concerning how to make a charitable bequest in your Last Will and Testament.

Our investment portfolio makes it possible that we can reach out to Schuyler community through the Ministerial Association in addition to support education for underprivileged youths, with outreach to the Native American communities, our retreat ministry, natural disaster relief, assistance to our motherhouse in Germany and its ministries and requests from communities working with the Missionary Benedictines.  

Finally, the work as Development Director/Mission Procurator is teamwork. I am grateful to my coworkers in the data entry and correspondence office, Wendy and Mara; to my brother monks Andrew, Adam and Anastasius who keep an eye on me while I count money for the bank deposit; to the coworkers in the IT, finance and administration departments: Mary, Paul, and Pam.  

Our common mission is, as St. Benedict says:

Be assured of our prayers for you and your intentions! Thank you and may our God shower many graces and blessings upon you as we journey through 2023.

Br. Tobias Dammert, OSB
and the team of the Mission Office

Monastic Life - Africa (Hanga Abbey)

We are pleased to share with you video #4 that the Conference of Mission Procurators commissioned. It features monastic life at St. Maurus Abbey, Hanga, Tanzania.

Other videos on the Benedictine Mission House Blog:

October 2021     Education – Ndanda Abbey
March 2022         Healthcare – Ndanda Hospital
May 2022             Environment – Holy Spirit Abbey, Mvimwa

We Missionary Benedictines are grateful for the prayerful and financial support of so many friends. God bless you and reward you.

During the upcoming Nine Day Novena of Prayer and Holy Mass from August 6 through 15, your needs and intentions will be included in our prayers.

On behalf of the monks of Christ the King Priory/Benedictine Mission House

  ~ Br. Tobias, OSB

The Environment – God’s Gift to Humankind! (Mvimwa, Tanzania)

Natural disasters challenge us to treasure the environment and care for it. As Missionary Benedictines, we try to make an effort wherever we serve to care for the earth and its many gifts, especially the crops we harvest for our daily sustenance.

The Conference of Mission Procurators’ dispatched the videographer team to Holy Spirit Abbey in Mvimwa, Tanzania, to capture not only the beauty of the land, but also to highlight what with proper use of modern technology can be achieved.

The friends and supporters of the Benedictine Mission House have generously reached out to our monks of Mvimwa over the years, with farming projects towards self-sustainability, support of their schools and the building of a beautiful abbey church.

Thank you for all that you do for us so that we can help others!

Br. Tobias, OSB

Mission Procurator – Benedictine Mission House

Healthcare Project in Tanzania

With the newly released video on healthcare, commissioned by the Procurators’ Conference of our Congregation, we highlight the work you, dear friends, made possible thanks to your prayerful and financial support.

Ndanda Abbey in Tanzania is not only a spiritual center for clergy, religious, and laity, but also a “monastic village” that has grown around the monastery with retreat house, workshops, schools, and especially its hospital.

Enjoy this video and at the same time accept our THANK YOU for being faithful supporters of the Mission House in Schuyler, NE, whenever we present a project. Healthcare is certainly the #1 priority, followed by education. Ndanda Hospital still depends on support from people of goodwill. The manifestation of the healing power of Jesus is evident in our outreach to the sick, thanks to your help.

Br. Tobias, OSB

Mission Procurator – Benedictine Mission House

A Message from Bro. Tobias in the Mission Office

Greetings during this First Week of Lent!

Please know that we monks remember you in our prayers, especially at the celebration of daily Eucharist.
We certainly live in challenging times with the conflict between Russia and Ukraine going on and the many suffering people and refugees. Let us pray fervently that the Holy Spirit will guide world leaders as they seek a peaceful solution. There has been too much bloodshed already and destruction.
People of good will have responded to relief efforts. God bless all who care for their neighbors without even knowing them.

On a more positive site:
Fr. Urbanus, OSB of Holy Spirit Abbey in Mvimwa, Tanzania, reported of his pastoral ministry among the people of Kate parish. In the picture, you see Father visiting the sick and elderly on Ash Wednesday for the distribution of Ashes.

Catechists from the parish participated in a workshop given at Mvimwa and concluded the day with the visit to the Marian Shrine. Friends of the Mission House have reached out to Mvimwa Abbey many times and supported especially the pastoral ministries of the monks.

God bless our Lenten journey!
Br. Tobias, OSB

PS: Check out the current appeal on our website and if the Holy Spirit moves you, and your financial resources permit, help our brothers of St. Michael’s Priory in Kumily, Kerala. Thank you!

Thank You from Benedictine Mission House

Through the generosity of our friends from near and far, we could again respond to individual requests of missionaries and help not only our monasteries in Africa , Asia, Europe and South America, but with specific projects.

Lent Appeal
Christ the King Priory, Tororo, Uganda
Housing and assistance towards self-sustainability

Sacred Heart Appeal
St. Therese Priory, Katibunga, Zambia
Farming and poultry project

Novena Appeal
Hanga Abbey – Coland Secondary School
Dormitory and monks residence

All Souls Appeal
Blessed Gerard Care Center, Mandeni, South Africa
Outreach ministry of Fr. Gerard Lagleder to orphans, sick, Aids victims, etc.

Christmas Appeal
General help to all our monasteries and convents we assist on a regular basis.

Without your help, all this would not have been possible. We Missionary Benedictines of Christ the King Priory are grateful and promise to keep you and your intentions always in our prayers.


Bro. Tobias Dammert, OSB

An Update from Katibunga

I am happy to share with our friends information provided by Fr. Javier, the Mission Procurator of our Congregation. The friends of the Mission House have generously supported projects for St. Theresa Monastery of Katibunga. Just this year, our friends helped the community with the poultry and farming project, one initiative the community took towards self-sustainability.
Thank you for your help.
Prayerful good wishes for a blessed Advent!

Br. Tobias, OSB